German language proficiency test (DSH)
(Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang – DSH)
Before beginning to study in Germany, students from abroad have to pass the DSH. The DSH qualifies you to study in Germany, if the certificates from your home country are equivalent to the German Abitur.
You can pass the DSH at the ISZ Saar of Saarland Universtity:
- without attending a course (external DSH), provided that you have an admission to Saarland University and sufficient advanced level knowledge (C1),
- after attending a preparatory German course at advanced learning level II,
- after attending the preparatory German courses at learning levels I and II (beginners’ and advanced). .
After having successfully passed the examination with the result DSH 2 or DSH 3, you will receive a certificate that qualifies you to study at a German university. The examination can usually be repeated once internally and once externally.
DSH is a result that doesn’t entitle you to study at Saarland University.
For the DSH examination fees are charged. They are currently 100 € for applicants of our University who have a valid university entrance qualification. For students who are preparing for the VSiMINT- or INGprep-exam or who are participants of special exchange programs at Saarland University, special rules apply.
DSH regulations of the Saarland University
DSH-Ordnung der Universität des Saarlandes (2021) DSH-Ordnung der Universität des Saarlandes
Accredited DSH exams from Saarland
There is only one accredited body in Saarland who provide accredited DSH-exams according to the regulatory framework 'RO-Dt': the International Study Centre Saar (ISZ Saar) of Saarland University. Until 31 March 2017, the Ausländerstudienkolleg zur htw des Saarlandes (ASK) also conducted this examination independently. Other examination certificates from institutes from Saarland have thus no relevance for university entrance, even if they refer to DSH.