About the ISZ Saar

What is ISZ Saar?
ISZ Saar (International Study Centre Saar) is situated directly at the centre of the Saarland University campus. It has the task of ensuring that international students are able to begin their studies successfully.
To prepare international applicants with the language and academic skills required for their studies, we offer extensive preparatory German language and foundation courses. By attending our courses, international applicants can study in Germany even if their higher education entrance qualification is not recognized. ISZ Saar is the only centre of its kind in Germany that offers German language courses at all proficiency levels free of charge, including courses for applicants without knowledge of German.
Furthermore, ISZ Saar offers a wide range of courses including workshops und seminars that have been specially designed to help new international students find their way and study successfully at Saarland University. In-sessional German language courses are intended for all international Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students and all international doctoral candidates at Saarland University.
Intensive German preparatory course
For all proficiency levels (including DSH* exams for applicants with a recognized higher education entrance qualification / *DSH = Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang).
International foundation programme (VSI)
With the three programme options MINT, Humanities or Business Science and Economics - for international applicants who want to study in Saarland without a direct higher education entrance qualification (HZB).
In-sessional German language courses for different proficiency levels
Short intensive courses before the start of the semester and in-sessional courses during the main teaching period (mostly between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.); in particular for exchange students (Erasmus, Eastern European partner universities, direct exchange) but also for students who have passed the DSH exam.
Workshop and seminars
Supporting international students during the orientation phase (for example intercultural training, scientific and academic working practices, academic writing and learning strategies).
Tandem language exchange programme
Language tandem of the IZS Saar; realised in cooperation with the Welcome Center and the university’s Language Centre (SZSB).