Transform4Europe Tracks - Information for students of Saarland University

Information for students of Saarland University

Students of Saarland University have to choose Transform4Europe-Tracks as part of Europaicum Certificate.
It is necessary to register via SIM-Portal for Europaicum Certificate.

More Information about Europaicum Certificate

Structure and content

Transform4Europe Tracks as part of Europaicum Certificate

Module Modern European Languages

In this module you choose language classes in modern european languages (6 ECTS points). "German as a foreign language" can be choosen if you are a non-native speaker.

Saarland University language center

Basic Module

Basic Module: Students choose 2 out of 4 topic areas and sgain 9 ECTS points.
If you study Transform4Europe Bachelor tracks, "Knowledge Entrepreneurship" is mandatory.

Knowledge Entrepreneurship

Advanced Module

Students have to choose a focus area (9 ECTS credits): Digital Transformation, Environmental Transformation, Societal Transformation.

Digital Entrepreneurship

Common Course Catalogue Transform4Europe



6 ECTS must be taken at another European university. These 6 ECTS replace other module elements from the total 24 ECTS (i.e. language courses or module elements from the Basic Module can also be taken as mobility).

Mobility can be virtual or physical. A prior learning agreement must be concluded with the coordinator of the certificate. Please contact

Common Course Catalogue Transform4Europe

Structure Europaicum Certificate with Advanced Module Transform4Europe

Information and student advice

Cluster für Europaforschung CEUS
Coordination:  Elisabeth Marx