EurIdentity Certificate

The EurIdentity Certificate provides a broad knowledge on European topics and the EU.  Students from all disciplines and Erasmus students can choose classes about Europe and the EU and deepen their intercultural competencies. The EurIdentity Certificate also offers the possibility to gain skills of value for the international job market and to aquire an additional qualification.

The EurIdentity Certificate is open to all students of Saarland University and of the partner universities in the university network UniGR.

There are two levels:

  • Level 1: E-learning module "EurIdentity Basic Module: Foundations of Europe" with basics on European topics (6 ECTS). Course language is english.
  • Level 2:  In "EurIdentity Certificate: Advanced Level" students get a deeper insight into European topics. They have to gain 24 ECTS to receive the certificate.  The Basic Module is integrated as a mandatory module. Course languages are german, english or french, depending on the choosen classes. A mobility is obligatory.

E-Learning-Module "EurIdentity Basic Module: Foundations of Europe"

The e-learning module "EurIdentity Basic Module: Foundations of Europe" consists of 12 units on topics about Europe and the EU, which are designed by experts from all seven partner universities. The module consists of video material in combination with independent reading and concludes with a multiple-choice exam. A total of 6 ECTS can be earned in the module.

Basic Module summer semester 2024


Registration for E-Learning-Module "EurIdentity Basic Module: Foundations of Europe":

  1. Select the course "EurIdentity Basic Module: Foundations of Europe" from lecture catalogue lsf.
  2.  The course runs on the OpenOlat learning platform. You must register on OpenOlat to participate and book the course. Instructions on how to do this can be found here:

Registration OpenOLAT

If you have any questions contact the study coordinators.


EurIdentity Certificate Advanced Level : Information for Students of Saarland University

The EurIdentity Certificate is a specialization within the Europaicum Certificate at Saarland University  with 24 ECTS. 

If you are an Erasmus student, you can choose the classes of Europaicum Certificate from the LSF-Course Catalogue in order to gain the certificate without further enrolment. Please contact the study coordinators of Europaicum Certificate for advice and recognition of classes.

To gain EurIdentity Certificate you have to integrate the following aspects into Europaicum Certificate:

  •     EurIdentity Basic Module: Foundations of Europe
  • Compulsory mobility within the UniGR network or at another European university

Course Catalogues EurIdentity Advanced Module:

Recognition of classes in order to get the certificate für Erasmus students: please contact the study coordinator at CEUS:



EurIdentity Certificate Advanced Level : Information for Incoming Students from UniGR Partner Universities

Students from UniGR partner universities can take courses at Saarland University free of charge. However, it is necessary to enroll at Saarland University in order to take courses and exams (for example in EurIdentity Certificate Advanced Level).

To do so, please follow the steps below:

  1.     Select course
  2. Fill out and sign the Learning Agreement with your home university
  3. Fill in contact form.
  4. registration to the courses with student ID

Course Catalogue Advanced Level Saarland University Summer Semester 2025

 Enrolment form UdS for UNiGR  students (pdf)


UniGR - University of the Greater Region

Within the university network UniGR, students can use the study offers and course catalogues of the partner universities in Lorraine, Luxembourg, Liège, Kaiserslautern and Trier free of charge. This requires a fee-free formal enrollment as an UniGR-student.  Saarland University grants a travel allowance for attending events at the UniGR partner universities via mobility funding (please contact  the UniGR officer of Saarland University to apply).

More information UniGR


Closing-Conference Erasmus+-Projekt EurIdentity "Europa zwischen Hochschulen | L'Europe entre universités"

The closing conference for Erasmus+Project EurIdenitty Certificate took place at 27th June 2023 in Esch-Sur-Alzette, Campus Belval University of Luxembourg.  More information



Contact EurIdentity Certificate

Saarland University
CEUS I Cluster for European Research
Study coordination Europaicum Certificate
Coordination Erasmus+-Projekt EurIdentity Certificate

Elisabeth Marx


Saarland University
UniGR Officer

Eva-Maria Hengsbach