LOGOS Doctoral Days (30.6.–2.7.2022)

The Arbeitsgruppe Europastudien (Jun.-Prof. Dr. Florian Weber) is organizing the LOGOS Doctoral Days from June 30 to July 2, 2022, together with the Department of Social-Scientific European Studies, the Cluster for European Research (CEUS) and participants from the partner universities of the LOGOS network.
All PhD students of the participating universities are invited to give a lecture and to participate in the discussion. The LOGOS Doctoral Days 2022 will focus on transformation processes and in particular on upheavals, caesuras and new beginnings.
Proposals for contributions may be submitted until Friday, March 18, 2022. They should not exceed 2,500 characters plus a maximum of 10 bibliographical references on the topic and must include a short tabular curriculum vitae (2,500 characters). Assignment to one of the following three areas is required:
- Transformation processes
- Europe in transition
- Transformation of border(s)