ZBP Colloquium
Prof. Dr. Dora Tang. (Universität des Saarlandes)
Title: TBA
Time: 14:15 (refreshments at 14:00)
Locationt: Campus SB, Building C6 4, room 0.09 (Hörsaal II)
PhD Students' Day 2025
Location: Auditorium, A 3.3
Time: 13:00 - 17:00
Schedule: Program of the PhD Students' Day 2025
Registration for the poster presentation:
- by email: dekanat-nt(at)
- please specify name, title of poster, and working group.
Deadline: 21 March 2025
ZBP Colloquium
Prof. Dr. Stefan Diez. (TU Dreden)
Title: TBA
Time: 14:15 (refreshments at 14:00)
Locationt: Campus SB, Building C6 4, room 0.09 (Hörsaal II)
Conference Cell Physics 2025
The “Cell Physics 2025“ will take place at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany, 7-9 October 2025 as in-person format.
Physics Colloqouium
Prof. Dr. François Nédélec (Sainsbury Laboratory University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Title: Simple Chromosome Partioning Mechanisms and a Mitotic Spindle
Time: 4pm c.t.
Location: Campus SB, Building C6 4, Room 0.09 (Hörsaal II)
Host: Dr. Philipp Hövel
SFB1027 Seminar
Prof. Dr. Marco Fritzsche (University of Oxford, UK)
Title: "Engineering disruptive technology to quantify the T-cell-mediated immune response across scales from tissues down to cells, and molecules"
Time: 14:00 c.t.
Location: Campus SB, Building E2 6, Room E04
Short talks:
- Nils Piernitzki (AG Staufer): Bottom-up assembly of an artificial tumor immuno-microenvironment
- Xiangda Zhou (A2, AG Qu): Synthetic T Cells Functionalized with IL-2 Enhance NK Cell Cytotoxicity Mimicking CD4+ T Cells
Host: Dr. Oskar Staufer
Physics Colloqouium
Dr. Andrew Keane (University College Cork, Irland)
Title: Bifurcation analysis of a North Atlantic Ocean box model with two deep-water formation sites
Time: 4pm c.t.
Location: Campus SB, Building C6 4, Room 0.09 (Hörsaal II)
Host: Dr. Philipp Hövel
Physics Colloqouium
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Vandewalle. (University of Liege)
Title: Exploiting capillary interactions for assembling meso-structures
Time: 4pm c.t.
Location: Campus SB, Building C6 4, Room 0.09 (Hörsaal II)
Host: Prof. Christian Wagner
SFB1027 Seminar
Dr. Jona Kayser (Max-Planck-Institut für die Physik des Lichts, Erlangen)
Title: "Engineering disruptive technology to quantify the T-cell-mediated immune response across scales from tissues down to cells, and molecules"
Time: 14:00 c.t.
Location: Campus SB, Building E2 6, Room E04
Short talks:
- Enrique Colina (A10, AG Lautenschläger): Pretubulysin, as a microtubule destabilizing agent. A computational insight to its binding mechanisms
- Dr. Mariana Romeiro Motta (A13, AG Aradilla-Zapata): The role of MAP65-mediated microtubule nucleation in plant development
SFB1027 Seminar
Prof. Dr. Jamie Hobbs (University of Sheffield, UK)
Title: "Using atomic force microscopy to understand the bacterial cell wall and its role in life, death, and antimicrobial resistance"
Time: 14:00 c.t.
Location: Campus SB, Building E2 6, Room E04
Short talks:
- Johannes Mischo (B2, AG Jacobs): Cell wall age influences the adhesion capability of S. aureus
- Ben Wieland, Dr. Gubesh Gunaratnam: (B2, AG Bischoff): Studying the biophysical aspects of pathogenic microbes on artificial and biotic surfaces (by SCFS)
Host: Johannes Mischo
Physics Colloqouium
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Eckehard Schöll, PhD. (TU Berlin)
Title: Synchronization Scenarios in Complex Networks: from Brain Dynamics to Power Grids
Time: 4pm c.t.
Location: Campus SB, Building C6 4, Room 0.09 (Hörsaal II)
Host: Dr. Philipp Hövel

Topping-out ceremony
On September 13, 2024 - after 15 months of construction - the completion of the building shell was celebrated with a topping-out ceremony. Minister Reinhold Jost, Minister Jakob von Weizsäcker and University President Professor Ludger Santen were present at the ceremony. The state is constructing the new research building with financial support from the federal government at a cost of around 49 million euros.
SFB1027 Seminar
Zeit: 14:00 c.t.
Ort: Campus SB, Building E2 6, Room E04
- 14:15 Dr. Rinku Kumar (B6, AG Del Campo): Focal adhesion mechano-actuation at molecular level by light regulated nano motor
- 15:00 Coffee Break
- 15:15 Christoph Anton (A10, AG Lautenschläger): The actin cortex of cells in different adhesion states
Gastgeber: Prof. Dr. Franziska Lautenschläger
Physikalisches Kolloquium
Prof. Dr. Pawel Romanczuk (HU Berlin)
Titel: "Self-organization, Criticality and Collective Information Processing in Animal Groups"
Zeit: 16 Uhr c.t.
Ort: Campus SB, Building C6 4, Room 0.09 (Hörsaal II)
Gastgeber: Dr. Philipp Hövel
SFB1027 Seminar
Dr. Kristine Schauer (Inserm, Institut Gustave Roussy, Paris-Saclay University)
Titel: "Towards a high-resolution map of the cancer cell: focus on lysosome dysfunction"
Zeit: 14:00 c.t.
Ort: Campus Homburg, CIPMM Geb. 48 Auditorium
- Dr. Eva Schwarz (A11, AG Hoth): Killing efficiency of CD16+ immune cells predicts patients’ outcome in B-cell lymphoma
- Dr. Carole Luthold (A12, Iden): Synergistic effects of distinct extracellular matrix proteins and substrate stiffness in MC differentiation and function
Gastgeber: Prof. Dr. Sandra Iden
SFB1027 Seminar
Prof. Dr. Thomas Holstein (Universität Heidelberg)
Titel: "Wnt signaling and pattern formation in Hydra"
Zeit: 14:00 c.t.
Ort: Campus Homburg, CIPMM Geb. 48 Auditorium
- Dr. Sieun Sung (C1, AG Ott): Competitive Loading of Amino Acid onto tRNA
- Carsten Baltes (A10, AG Lautenschläger): Actin filament length is crucial in mesenchymal migration but not in amoeboid migration
Gastgeber: Prof. Dr. Albrecht Ott
SFB1027 Seminar
Prof. Dr. Doris Heinrich (IBA Heiligenstadt / Universität Illmenau)
Titel: "Transport Phenomena and Mechanics in 3D Tissue Model Environments"
Zeit: 14:00
Ort: Campus SB, Building E2 6, Room E04
- Varun Sai Tadimarri (B8, AG Sankaran): Growth and metabolic behavior of gram negative and gram positive probiotic bacteria in mechanically tunable artificial biofilms
- Alejandro Martínez León (B7, AG Hub): BindFlow - fully automated absolute binding free energy calculations
Gastgeber: Prof. Dr. Heiko Rieger
SFB1027 Seminar
Prof. Dr. Stefan Klumpp (Universität Göttingen)
Titel: "Physics in bacterial motility"
Zeit: 14:00 c.t.
Ort: Campus SB, Building E2 6, Room E04
- Dr. Navid Khangholi (B4, AG Seemann): Photoactivation of light-sensitive membrane proteins in model cell membranes
- Felix Maurer (AG Wagner): Competing aggregation and iso-density equilibrium lead to band patterns of erythrocytes
Gastgeber: Prof. Dr. Heiko Rieger