Welcome to the Center for Biophysics

The Center for Biophysics works on the theoretical and experimental modeling of non-equilibrium processes in biological systems and cells. The aim of this modeling is to uncover and understand the physical principles that arise from the interaction of many molecular and cellular actors and thus give rise to the many different forms and functions of living matter.

The Center is characterized by close interdisciplinary cooperation between medicine, biology, and physics. This enables not only the development of advanced theoretical models, but also their subsequent experimental validation.


New leadership team and board

Since 1st of June, 2024,  Prof. Dr. Franziska Lautenschläger and Prof. Dr. Bianca Schrul are the new collegial leadership team of the Center for Biophysics. Moreover, a new Board has been selected.


Video about the Center for Biophysics on YouTube



New DFG Priority Program for Cell Biology
Sandra Iden is coordinating an interdisciplinary joint project in the fields of cell and developmental biology, biophysics, structural biology, and genetics. The DFG Priority Program entitled "Heterotypic Cell-Cell Interactions in Epithelial Tissues" (SPP 2493, HetCCI) is scheduled to start in 2025. A total budget of around 5.7 million euros is available for the first funding phase. 
Press release from Saarland University (19.4.2024, in German)

Successful first-stage proposal on AI-empowered drug discovery and development
On February 2, the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat, WR) announced which initiatives for new Clusters of Excellence will be invited to submit full proposals. Saarland University (UdS) has successfully cleared this first hurdle with its proposal "nextAID³ - Next Generation of Cl-driven Drug Discovery and Development".
Press release of Saarland University (2.2.2024, in German)

Vesicles driven by dynein and kinesin exhibit directional reversals without regulators
Intracellular vesicular transport along cytoskeletal filaments ensures targeted cargo delivery. In a recent publication in Nature Communications, the Santen lab - together with the group of Stefan Diez (TU Dresden) - demonstrate that a minimal system, comprising purified Dynein-Dynactin-BICD2 (DDB) and kinesin-3 (KIF16B) attached to large unilamellar vesicles, faithfully reproduces in vivo cargo motility, including runs, pauses, and reversals.

Further News