Welcome to the Center for Biophysics

The Center for Biophysics works on the theoretical and experimental modeling of non-equilibrium processes in biological systems and cells. The aim of this modeling is to uncover and understand the physical principles that arise from the interaction of many molecular and cellular actors and thus give rise to the many different forms and functions of living matter.

The Center is characterized by close interdisciplinary cooperation between medicine, biology, and physics. This enables not only the development of advanced theoretical models, but also their subsequent experimental validation. Its members work in many different areas of research:

Members of the Center for Biophysics

Cell Physics conference

The conference  “Cell Physics 2025“ will take place at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany, 7-9 October 2025 as in-person format.


Video about the Center for Biophysics on YouTube



New insights into fat metabolism
A team led by biologist Bianca Schrul has now gained insights into a specific protein in the shell of lipid droplets that store fats,  the most important energy stores in the human body.
Press release of Saarland University from 12.06.2024 (in German)

CHE ranking: MINT areas at Saarland University in top group
The science and technology subjects of biology, chemistry, pharmacy and physics at Saarland University have landed in the top group nationwide for a whole range of criteria in the latest CHE ranking. 
Press release of Saarland University (03.05.2024, in German)

New DFG Priority Program for Cell Biology Zellbiologie
Sandra Iden is coordinating an interdisciplinary joint project on cell and developmental biology, biophysics, structural biology and genetics. The DFG Priority Program entitled "Heterotypic Cell-Cell Interactions in Epithelial Tissues" (SPP 2493, HetCCI) is scheduled to start in 2025. A total budget of around 5.7 million euros is available for the first funding phase. 
Press release of Saarland University (19.4.2024, in German)

Further News