Funding Line 2 | Start-up Funding (Emmy Noether or ERC Starting Grant)
Program Description
This funding line offers outstanding researchers the opportunity to apply for financial support to prepare third-party funding applications in the prestigious DFG-Emmy Noether or ERC Starting Grant programs. It specifically supports the independent acquisition of third-party funding. The program aims to provide financial support to researchers in drafting their project proposals.
Researchers at Saarland University with completed doctorate with an excellent degree:
- Up to 4 years (Emmy Noether) after the doctorate (extended periods of absence are considered in accordance with the DFG guidelines: DFG Equity and Diversity)
- 2 to 7 years (ERC Starting Grant) after the doctorate (We kindly ask scientists with a Dr. med. degree to contact Department F in advance to clarify their eligibility to apply.) (extended periods of absence are considered in accordance with the European Commission guidelines: ERC Starting Grant)
- Curriculum vitae (max. 2 pages), incl. top publications (max. 5)
- Project proposal (max. 3 pages):
- Abstract (max. ½ page)
- Key objectives and methods
- Explanation of the innovative/excellent character
- Commitment / motivation to carrying out the planned project at Saarland University
- Budget plan (table) (max. ½ page)
Recommendation letter from your superior (max. ¾ page)
- Travel costs: Funding for active participation in conferences, archival work, or summer schools (up to two months, either continuously or in segments)
- Direct project costs: Usable for license/software fees, publication fees, literature, consumables, editing, graphic designer, etc.
- Student / research assistants (“HiWis”)
- Remaining funds will expire