Funding Line 1 | Interdisciplinary Research
Program Description
The "Interdisciplinary Research" funding line aims to enable outstanding researchers to work at the intersection of disciplines and develop innovative approaches to scientific questions. Collaborations with other disciplines or a partner institution from the European university alliance Transform4Europe (T4EU) are encouraged but not mandatory.
- Support and development of early-career researchers
- Promotion of innovative, interdisciplinary research projects
- Encouragement of interdisciplinary collaboration and establishment of new research approaches leading to collaborations and acquisition of third-party funding, particularly for interdisciplinary projects
- Strengthening of (T4EU) collaborations
- Researchers at Saarland University with a completed PhD and an excellent degree, up to 5 years after PhD completion (periods of absence will be considered in accordance with the DFG guidelines: DFG Equity and Diversity)
- Curriculum Vitae (max. 2 pages), including top publications (max. 5)
- Project Proposal (max. 3 pages):
- Abstract (max. ½ page)
- Key objectives and methods
- Explanation of the innovative / excellent aspects
- Description of the involved disciplines and their interfaces
- Budget plan (table) (max. ½ page)
- Recommendation letter your superior (max. ¾ page)
- If applicable, collaboration partners:
- For interdisciplinary collaborations: Proof of involvement of at least one partner from
another discipline - For T4EU collaborations: Proof of involvement of at least one T4EU partner
- The proof must be submitted as an informal email
- For interdisciplinary collaborations: Proof of involvement of at least one partner from
- Travel costs: Funding for active participation in conferences, archival work, or summer schools (max. two months, either continuously or in segments)
- Direct project costs: Usable for license/software fees, publication fees, literature, consumables, etc.
- Student / research assistants (“HiWis”)
- For T4EU collaborations: Costs related to the cooperation
- Remaining funds will expire