Information for students

Teaching and studying – General information

Does the Coronavirus Ordinance still apply?

Yes, the Coronavirus Ordinance has been extended to cover summer semester 2021 by continuing the rules and regulations that applied during the summer semester of 2020 and the winter semester of 2020/21.

Coronavirus Ordinance summer semester 2021

The Coronavirus Ordinance does not apply to degree programmes that are governed by regional or national regulations (medicine, dentistry, pharmaceutical science, law) nor to programmes that lead to the award of a Master of Laws qualification (LL.M.).

Please also refer to the information provided by the Centre for Teacher Education (Zentrum für Lehrerbildung – ZfL):


On a side note, the name ‘Coronavirus Ordinance’ is a short form of ‘Ordinance to Enact the General Implementing Provisions at Saarland University’.

How will this semester be counted with respect to the standard period of study or the maximum period of study that applies to my programme?

This semester will not be counted when assessing whether a student has reached or exceeded the relevant standard period of study or the maximum period of study. As set out in Section 8 of the Coronavirus Ordinance, any deadlines linked to the standard period of study will be extended by one semester for students enrolled in the summer semester of 2021. This also applies to cross-enrolled students and to students on leave of absence in that semester.
When assessing student academic progress, any constraints or issues that affect a student’s academic performance within the standard period of study will be taken into consideration.

The Coronavirus Ordinance does not apply to degree programmes that are governed by regional or national regulations (medicine, dentistry, pharmaceutical science, law) nor to programmes that lead to the award of a Master of Laws qualification (LL.M.).

Will Corona put me at a disadvantage regarding BAföG?

No. There will be no disadvantages regarding BAföG. For all students enrolled in the summer semester 2021, the standard period of study will be extended by a further semester beyond the winter semester 2020/2021 already covered, thus ensuring continued payment of BAföG.

Further information will be find here.


Where can I go on campus to get advice? How do I get in contact with the university’s advisory services?

During the pandemic, the university is operating on the basis of its pandemic response plan. All important university activities and functions are either being conducted on site or by university staff working from home. For more details about the guidance and assistance provided by the various advisory services, please refer to the information on the Saarland University website:

Advisory services

You will also find information on the best way to get in touch with these services so that everyone stays safe.

An wen kann ich mich bei Fragen zum Studium mit einer Behinderung oder einer chronischen Erkrankung wenden?

Der Service der Kontaktstelle Studium und Behinderung (KSB) stehen den Studierenden und den Lehrenden über Microsoft Teams, Telefon und E-Mails (statt in persönlichen Gesprächen) zur Verfügung. Studierende können sich an uns wenden, um den Nachteilsausgleich zu beantragen sowie Lernmittel für Hybrid- und Online-Unterricht auszuleihen. Wir sind hier, um zu verhindern, dass Ihr Studium aufgrund von Barrieren gestört wird. Wir bitten Sie, sich früh mit uns in Verbindung zu setzen, wenn Sie der Meinung sind, dass Sie möglicherweise einen Nachteilsausgleich beantragen müssen. Wenn Sie auf dem Campus sind und einen ruhigen Raum zum Ausruhen oder Arbeiten benötigen, können Sie Zugang zu unserem „Diversity Raum“ im Gebäude E1 2 erhalten.

  1. Die neuesten Aktualisierungen und weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der KSB-Website
  2. Sie können sich auch an Ihre*n Dozent*in oder Ihr Fach wenden, um einen Nachteilausgleich vorzubereiten oder Ihre Lernbedürfnisse zu besprechen. 

Enrolment and re-registration

Have there been any changes to the enrolment procedure because of the coronavirus pandemic?

There are no special features regarding enrollment in the summer semester 2021.
Information on application and enrollment can be found here:

Applying and enrolling

I am enrolling at Saarland University for the first time. When will I be issued with my UdS ID code?

You will receive an IT account notification letter (Kennungsschreiben) containing your UdS ID code and the information you need to log in to the university’s IT systems. If you are enrolling at Saarland University for the first time, you can download your IT account notification letter as soon as you have completed the enrolment process. Please note that this does not apply to those degree programmes for which applications have to be submitted via the hochschulstart portal, i.e. medicine, dentistry, pharmaceutical science, biology and psychology.

Downloading IT account notification letter

Applicants who already have a UdS ID code from an earlier programme of study will not see a notification letter in the SIM portal. In such cases, the document will need to be generated by the HIZ service desk (HIZ: Saarland University IT Centre).

In addition to the option of downloading the IT account notification letter, students enrolling for the first time at Saarland University will usually also be sent their IT account information together with their UdS Card by post (if their postal address is in Germany, France, Luxembourg or Switzerland).

FAQ on application and enrolment procedures (compiled by the Central Student Advisory Service)

FAQ for international students  (compiled by the Welcome Center / International Office)

What do I need to know when I begin studying?

The Central Student Advisory Service has created a webpage with the most important information for students starting to study at Saarland University:

Starting your studies

Have there been any changes to the re-registration procedure because of the coronavirus pandemic?

Please note the information on the reduction of the semester fee for the summer semester 2021.

 There are no others corona-related special features during re-registration.


Teaching activities / Online and digital teaching

When does the main teaching period start and end?
  • Start of the semester: 1 April 2021
  • Courses start: 12 April 2021
  • Courses end: 23 July 2021
  • End of the semester: 30 September 2021


Where can I find information about my courses?

The courses offered in the summer semester of 2021 are listed in the online course catalogue (HIS-LSF portal):



  • In summer semester 2021, all courses are generally held online 
  • For infection prevention and control reasons, you must register before taking part in an in-person teaching activity. Please register via the online course catalogue (HIS-LSF) unless students on your study programme have been told to use another method of registration.

Please refer to the online information provided for your programme of study.

Wie startet die Vorlesungszeit?

Die Hochschulleitung hat vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Entwicklungen im Kontext der Corona-Pandemie beschlossen, dass Lehrveranstaltungen im Sommersemester 2021 grundsätzlich online stattfinden.

Ausgenommen hiervon sind Praxisformate, die nicht in digitaler Form durchführbar sind; für Präsenzlehrveranstaltungen gilt eine Anmeldepflicht. Hierzu zählen Labor- und Werkstattpraktika sowie praktischer Unterricht und Kleinstarbeitsgruppen (max. 10 Teilnehmer*innen). Ausnahmen können weiter Einzeltermine im Sinne von Einführungsveranstaltungen, Abstimmungstermine in Lehrveranstaltungen (z.B. Kick-off) sowie Beratungsangebote für Studienanfängerinnen und Studienanfängern oder Erstsemester sein.

Bitte achten Sie darauf, dass Sie über die von der UdS vergebene studentische E-Mailadresse erreichbar sind. Hier erfahren Sie, wie Sie eine Weiterleitung an eine private Mailadresse einrichten können: 


What do I need to know before participating in an in-person teaching activity?

As a precautionary measure during the current pandemic, you must register before taking part in any in-person teaching activities (see ‘How do I register for a course that is being taught in-person?’).
Please note: Courses are generally held online until during summer semester 2021.

It is compulsory to wear medical face coverings within the buildings as well as when participating in courses or exams at all locations of the university (with the exception of the presentation of a justified medical certificate). It is strongly recommended to wear medical face coverings in outdoor areas. In all areas where there is an increased gathering of people outside, including when entering and leaving the buildings and in waiting areas, the medical face coverings should be used.  If possible, please come to the in-person teaching activity already tested negatively. Please preferentially use the municipal test offers  for this purpose. Otherwise, you can also take advantage of testing opportunities at the University, for more information visit Corona-FAQ​​​​​​​. All participants should wash their hands before entering the premises. Upon entering the UdS premises, you are required to register in the Staysio App.  Please also remember to log out when leaving the room.

For information on what to do if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms and for information about all the other measures required to ensure compliance with the hygiene rules, please refer to the regularly updated FAQs that are published on the dedicated Saarland University coronavirus webpage.

Coronavirus FAQs

How do I register for a course that is being taught in-person?

Please register for an in-person teaching activity using the registration function in the online course catalogue (HIS-LSF portal).


For some courses, registration is not done via the HIS-LSF portal. In these cases, your programme coordinator will notify you about the registration procedure to be followed.

Instructions on how to register for a course in the online course catalogue (HIS-LSF portal) are available here:

Instructions course registration via LSF for students

Where can I find more information about Moodle?

Moodle is Saarland University’s central e-learning platform. For more information on Moodle, click the link below:


How do I join an online live event?

To take part in a live event in MS Teams or a video stream via MS Stream, you will need to sign in to Microsoft 365 using your university ID code ( and then download MS Teams.

Microsoft 365 (Teams)

How do I sign in to Teams?

Your username is your student email address minus the ‘stud’ subdomain.
For example, a username would look like this: and not


Where can I find more information about MS Teams?

Further information on using MS Teams (including useful links to other sites) can be found here:

MS Teams for students

Who should I contact if I am having technical difficulties with MS Teams?

If you have problems signing in, please report your problem to the staff at the IT Centre (HIZ)  using the ticketing system.

Ticketing system

How do I get in touch with other students to exchange ideas?

Please have a look at the websites of your subject. There you will find networking opportunities such as regulars' tables, introductory events 



Examinations and academic assessments

What do I need to know before participating in an in-person examination?

As a precautionary measure during the current pandemic, you must register before taking part in an in-person examination or assessment (see ‘How do I register for an in-person examination?’).

It is compulsory to wear medical face coverings within the buildings as well as when participating in courses or exams at all locations of the university (with the exception of the presentation of a justified medical certificate). It is strongly recommended to wear medical face coverings in outdoor areas. In all areas where there is an increased gathering of people outside, including when entering and leaving the buildings and in waiting areas, the medical face coverings should be used.  If possible, please come to the examination already tested negatively. Please preferentially use the municipal test offers  for this purpose. Otherwise, you can also take advantage of testing opportunities at the UdS, for more information visit Corona-FAQ. All participants should wash their hands before entering the premises. Upon entering the UdS premises, you are required to register in the Staysio App.  Please also remember to log out when leaving the room.

For information on what to do if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms and for information about all the other measures required to ensure compliance with the hygiene rules, please refer to the regularly updated coronavirus FAQs.

Coronavirus FAQs

How do I register for in-person examinations?

The usual examination registration procedure for your degree programme applies. If registration for an examination has not always been compulsory, please contact your Examination Office to find out how the compulsory registration for in-person examinations, which is a preventive measure in the context of the current pandemic, is being handled.


Must I take an in-person examination if I am in a high-risk group that is particularly vulnerable to the SARS-CoV-2 virus?

No, you do not need to take the examination in person. As provided for in Section 3(4) of the Coronavirus Ordinance, a candidate may withdraw from an in-person examination even after the withdrawal deadline has passed, if they can demonstrate that they are particularly vulnerable to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The Coronavirus Ordinance does not apply to degree programmes that are governed by regional or national regulations (medicine, dentistry, pharmaceutical science, law) nor to programmes that lead to the award of a Master of Laws qualification (LL.M.). If you have questions about special rules that apply during the coronavirus pandemic, please contact your programme coordinator.

Will academic progress checks still be conducted?

In accordance with Section 6 of the Coronavirus Ordinance, no academic progress checks will be carried out for winter semester 2019/2020, summer semester 2020 , winter semester 2020/2021 and summer semester 2021. However, students may still receive notification of their academic progress for information purposes only.

The Coronavirus Ordinance does not apply to degree programmes that are governed by regional or national regulations (medicine, dentistry, pharmaceutical science, law) nor to programmes that lead to the award of a Master of Laws qualification (LL.M.).

Will the submission deadlines for written assignments, term papers, Bachelor’s theses, etc. be extended?

Yes, according to Section 3(2) of the Coronavirus Ordinance, completion times for individual written academic assessments, such as essays, term papers, Bachelor’s theses, Master's theses or theses in state-examined subjects shall be adjusted appropriately to reflect the challenging conditions that students have faced during the coronavirus pandemic.

The Coronavirus Ordinance does not apply to degree programmes that are governed by regional or national regulations (medicine, dentistry, pharmaceutical science, law) nor to programmes that lead to the award of a Master of Laws qualification (LL.M.). 

Must I take an in-person examination if I am in a high-risk group that is particularly vulnerable to the SARS-CoV-2 virus?

No, you do not need to take the examination in person. As provided for in Section 3(4) of the Coronavirus Ordinance, a candidate may withdraw from an in-person examination even after the withdrawal deadline has passed, if they can demonstrate that they are particularly vulnerable to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The Coronavirus Ordinance does not apply to degree programmes that are governed by regional or national regulations (medicine, dentistry, pharmaceutical science, law) nor to programmes that lead to the award of a Master of Laws qualification (LL.M.). If you have questions about special rules that apply during the coronavirus pandemic, please contact your programme coordinator.


If I fail an examination, am I allowed to retake it?

Yes retakes are allowed. According to Section 7(1) of the Coronavirus Ordinance, if you took an examination or assessment for which the associated teaching activity was in the summer semester of 2020, the winter semester of 2020/2021, the summer semester 2021 or the examination or assessment was originally scheduled during the campus shutdown period (17 March 2020 until 4 May 2020) and you were awarded a fail grade, you may submit a request to the relevant examination board to have the examination or assessment reclassified as ‘not attempted’. The decision to grant the request rests with the examination board whose members will consider applications favourably whenever reasonable grounds exist. However, this does not apply to seminar papers or final-year theses.

Please note that Covid-19 disease in your social environment or the previous number of examination attempts is not decisive for the possibility to apply. The Coronavirus Ordinance does not apply to degree programmes that are governed by regional or national regulations (medicine, dentistry, pharmaceutical science, law) nor to programmes that lead to the award of a Master of Laws qualification (LL.M.).

Rules and regulations governing on-campus activities

Where do I have to wear a face covering on campus?

Please refer to the university’s coronavirus FAQs.

Information on teaching and campus life

What should I do if I am experiencing flu-like symptoms?

Please refer to the university’s coronavirus FAQs.

Rules for dealing with coronavirus infections

What happens if a case of COVID-19 becomes known?

Please refer to the university’s coronavirus FAQs.

Rules for dealing with coronavirus infections

Who do I need to notify if I am not permitted to enter the campus because of an infection?

If you are due to take an in-person examination, you should contact the examinations office and your examiner without delay. If you have a teaching activity that you are required to attend in person, you must contact the course instructor. If you are not scheduled to take an in-person examination or to attend a mandatory in-person class during this period, no notification is required.

If you are unable to attend a mandatory in-person teaching activity or examination and if no alternative arrangements have been put in place (e.g. online examinations or remote teaching resources), your failure to attend will be treated similarly to absences due to illness. In such cases, the relevant supporting document is the email notification you received informing you that a case of coronavirus infection had occurred.

What do I have to do if I become infected?

Please follow the instructions of the infection chain management

and the instructions of the "Gesundheitsamt". 

If you are scheduled to take an in-person examination or to attend a mandatory in-person teaching activity during your period of self-isolation, please submit a doctor’s note at the earliest opportunity to the relevant examinations office and to the examiner, or to your course instructor.

Get well soon!

Will the university impose quarantine restrictions if there has been a case of coronavirus infection?

Quarantine restrictions can only be imposed by the local health authority.

In the event of a positive test result, university members who have tested positively for Corona virus will still be prohibited from entering university premises during the quarantine period or must leave the university premises immediately. All contact persons are advised to behave responsibly and limit their social contacts in the coming days.

For more details, please refer to the university’s coronavirus FAQs.

Rules for dealing with coronavirus infections

Who can I contact if I think that I may be particularly vulnerable to the coronavirus?

A coronavirus telephone hotline is available for students and university employees. For more information, please refer to the university’s coronavirus FAQs.

Rules for dealing with coronavirus infections

However, the university has the right to determine who may access university premises. In order to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases, the university has ruled that all persons who were present in the same room as an infected person may not enter university premises for the period provided for in the quarantine regulations in force at that time (currently 14 days or five days on submission of a negative test result).

For more details, please refer to the university’s coronavirus FAQs.

Support Service for Students with Disabilities

Other topics

Where can I find information for international students?

Please visit the Welcome Center (International Office) webpage: 

Welcome Center

We have compiled detailed information for international students who will be studying at Saarland University, including the names and contact details of relevant members of staff and advisers.

What do I need to know if I am planning to spend time studying abroad or need to travel abroad for study purposes?

If the Federal Foreign Office has issued a tourist travel warning for a particular country or region, the university strongly advises you not to travel to that country or region for study-related activities. However, it may well be reasonable to spend a study abroad period within the greater Saar-Lor-Lux region. If a tourist travel warning from the Federal Foreign Office is in place, careful and thorough preparation is essential before travelling to that country or region for study-related purposes. When planning a study trip abroad, please remember that health and safety must always be your priority.
The laws and regulations of the host country must also be observed at all times. In the event of an emergency while staying abroad, you should contact the relevant German diplomatic mission in the host country. If you are planning to spend an extended period abroad, please register with the elefand database maintained by the Federal Foreign Office (!form.action).

Please take note of the following information:

  • Entry restrictions for the host country and/or quarantine rules after entry 
  • Conditions/restrictions that apply when studying, working or staying at the host institution 
  • Letter from your insurance provider confirming that you have adequate health insurance, personal accident insurance and public liability insurance for the relevant region (we recommend taking out repatriation insurance covering transportation back to Germany in the event of illness or injury)  
  • - Availability of transport services for the outbound and return journeys (please note that the cost of travel may have increased); travel tickets should be purchased with a ticket cancellation and refund option
  • The Federal Foreign Office has announced that it will not be organizing any further repatriation flights for German nationals abroad. 
  • Anyone returning to Saarland from a stay abroad must comply with Saarland’s health and quarantine regulations.
  • Funding bodies such as the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) will not be providing funding for study abroad trips to regions for which the Federal Foreign Office has issued a travel warning. If you are nevertheless currently planning a DAAD-funded study abroad period, please note that force majeure cannot be used as the basis for cost refund claims.
How can I stay fit during the Corona pandemic?

The University Sports offers students many opportunities to keep fit during the Corona pandemic. All offers and information can be found on the pages of the

University Sports.