Bachelor study program Microtechnology and nanostructures

(Kopie 1)
If you want to take part in the voyage of discovery into the micro and nano world, if you would like to work on the development of new technologies and also learn how to use computers to solve scientific problems, you should take up the study of microtechnology and nanostructures at Saarland University.
The interdisciplinary degree program in microtechnology and nanostructures combines the fundamentals of physics with engineering sciences with a thematic focus on miniaturization. Particular importance is attached to the interdisciplinary systems approach.
The study of microtechnology and nanostructures aims to impart the ability to work both theory-based and practice-based, as well as to independently familiarize oneself with new subject areas, to lead complex technical activities and to assume responsibility for working groups. Furthermore, good communication and teamwork skills as well as effective work organization are taught.
Please note: The study programs Microtechnology and Nanostructures (Bachelor and Master) are being phased out. Application is no longer possible.
The Bachelor's program, which upon successful completion conveys the academic degree "Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)", has a standard period of study of six semesters. The study program includes a professional internship of a total of 8 weeks of basic practice, which should be completed before starting the study program, if possible.
Enrollment is no longer possible as of WS 2019/2020. Since the winter semester 2019/2020, there is a new study program Bachelor Quantum Engineering.
- Studiengangsdokumente
- Grundpraktikum und Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum
- Praktikum im Studium (externes Praktikum, Industriepraktikum)
- Prüfungen/Prüfungstermine
- Kontakt
- Zulassungsvoraussetzungen
- Studiengangsdokumente
- Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum
- Praktikum im Studium (externes Praktikum, Industriepraktikum)
- Prüfungen/Prüfungstermine
- Kontakt