
The study of biological processes increasingly requires the use of physical knowledge and methods; through physical strategies and approaches, comprehensive insights into complex biological processes become possible.

Currently, more initiatives are being taken worldwide to train qualified scientists who work at the border between biology and physics. Saarland University is taking on a pioneering role here with its course of study and the close linking of physics and life sciences.

Biophysics at the UdS combines a physics degree with the acquisition of basic biological knowledge, on which graduates can easily build specialized knowledge.

Due to their broad and fundamental education, biophysicists* have very good career opportunities, e.g. in medical, bio- or environmental engineering as well as in academic research institutions. In these areas there is a great demand for highly qualified and broadly educated scientists.

Bachelor Biophysics

Biophysics at UdS combines a physics degree with the acquisition of basic biological knowledge, on which graduates can easily build specialized knowledge. The six-semester Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree program in Biophysics is designed to provide early exposure to those methods and skills that form the current standard in biophysics.

Building on mathematical and scientific fundamentals, the program enables students to solve technical and scientific problems, especially at the boundary between physics and biology. In addition, students are enabled to work on complex problems using modern mathematical, computer-aided and experimental methods.

Due to their broad and fundamental education, biophysicists have very good career opportunities, e.g. in medical technology and biotechnology as well as in academic research institutions. In these fields there is a great demand for highly qualified and broadly educated scientists.

Master Biophysics

Students of biophysics learn to work on complex problems using modern mathematical, computer-aided and experimental methods. In this way, they are enabled to solve technical and scientific problems at the border between physics and biology.  Students receive a broad general education in biophysics and the related natural sciences and at the same time can sharpen their profile in selected special fields. The education includes modules in theoretical and experimental biophysics, in non-biophysical subjects as well as in the area of key qualifications. Due to its interdisciplinary nature, the Master's program places high demands on the students.biophysicists have very good career prospects. The master's program prepares them for jobs in industry, research institutions or public institutions.  Fields of employment include the natural and engineering sciences, laser technology and medicine. Universities and public research institutions also offer a large job market for biophysicists. Very good graduates can also complete a doctoral thesis and pursue an academic career.