Women in Physics

At Saar University, approximately 35% of physics students are women. The proportions vary somewhat between the different courses of study Bachelor Physics (29%), Teaching Physics (43%) and Biophysics (38%).
The percentage of female physicists increases (slightly) as the education progresses from bachelor's to master's to doctoral studies. Thus, female physics students drop out (slightly) less often than their male counterparts.
Female physics students benefit even more than their male counterparts from networking with other female students. Especially at the beginning of your studies you benefit from groups that support and encourage each other. Plus, it's nice to exchange ideas once in a while!
For easy networking, we have set up a Signal group for all female physics majors. The Signal app is free, open source, and meets high privacy standards. You can find a QR code with a link to the group in the entrance of building E2.6.