
Outgoing students

If you are studying on B.A. Language ScienceB.Sc. Computational Linguistics, M.A. Translation Science and Technology and M.Sc. Language Science and Technology and would like to participate in the Erasmus+ exchange programme, please contact the Erasmus coordination office of our department.

    • LST – Fachspezifische Information

      Hier auf dieser Webseite


Wo finden Sie was – LST-spezifisch

    • Als LST-Studi ins Ausland

      Vorbereitung eines Auslandsaufenthalts für Studierende der Fachrichtung Sprachwissenschaft und Sprachtechnologie

    • Info-Veranstaltungen

      Termine und Folien der Informationsveranstaltungen


Contact – Erasmus Coordination

Coordinator: Ms Andrea Wurm
Office: Ms Dimitra Papadopoulou
Building A2 2, Room 2.08.2
Phone: +49 681 302-4486
Fax: +49 681 302-4850 (please specify recipient)



Individual consultations

In case you need individual and personal support to solve your problems, please use the contact form to make an appointment.


Postal address

Saarland University
Language Science and Technology
Erasmus Coordination
Attn: Dimitra Papadopoulou
Campus A2 2, Room 2.08.2
66123 Saarbrücken