
Outgoing students

If you are studying on B.A. Language ScienceB.Sc. Computational Linguistics, M.A. Translation Science and Technology and M.Sc. Language Science and Technology and would like to participate in the Erasmus+ exchange programme, please contact the Erasmus coordination office of our department.

    • Going Abroad

    • Step-by-Step Guide from the International Office

    • For Incomings Students

    • Useful Links for Incoming-Students

    • Learning German

    • Centre for International Students (ZiS)

    • The International Office

    • The Welcome Center


Online (virtual) info event

Download the slides of the in-person event here.

Formal requirements and getting in touch

Individual queries

Our Erasmus Office will be happy to provide guidance and help you answer your questions. You may contact us by email, or talk to us in person (Building A2 2, Room 2.08.2 or on Teams – use the contact interface to make an appointment). Please note that we cannot always deal with Erasmus requests immediately. Some requests may take one or two weeks to answer.

Office hours are very limited, so we kindly ask you to send an e-mail for queries concerning

  • signature of Learning Agreements
  • questions concerning the Learning Agreement
  • Transcript of Records
  • deadlines for nomination or application
  • existence of a cooperation agreement with your chosen host universities

Personal assistance for your individual queries can only be given after you have made an appointment via the contact interface. Please do not just drop by. Time is sparse and we need to plan carefully to be able to assist you personally when this is necessary.

Certificates of arrival/departure will be signed at the International Office (except Ostpartnerschaften)!

We aim to reply as soon as possible, but sometimes there is simply not enough time to deal with all requests at the same time.

Learning Agreement

Before you leave for your stay abroad, you must complete a Learning Agreement. Your Learning Agreement will specify all the classes you would like to take at the host university, and their respective ECTS. Should you require a signature on the Learning Agreement, please contact us at the Erasmus Office’s email address. Both the coordinator and office staff have access to that email address.

For new Learning Agreements, please go to Online Learning Agreement (OLA). In order to help you with filling in the OLA, we have written a guideline (at the moment in German only!). Please insert in an Excel spreadsheet your classes, descriptions of the classes from the host university's website and the classes at UdS for which you want the credits recognized. We will then check if UdS can accept the recognition. You can find more information on the page Recognition of credits.

Transcript of Records

At the Department of Language Science and Technology, your lecturers will forward your exam results to the Erasmus Office. For classes you have attended at other departments of Saarland University, you will need to send us your transcripts by email to erasmus-languages(at) We will then send you the completed transcript. It may take some time until your transcript is ready to be sent out due to the deadlines involved with grading your exams. Should your home university need the information earlier, please let us know, and the Erasmus Office will issue a preliminary confirmation of participation for you.


Contact – Erasmus Coordination

Coordinator: Ms Andrea Wurm
Office: Ms Dimitra Papadopoulou
Building A2 2, Room 2.08.2
Phone: +49 681 302-4486
Fax: +49 681 302-4850 (please specify recipient)



Office hours

Mondays 12–2.30 pm
Until further notice only once a week!


Postal address

Saarland University
Language Science and Technology
Erasmus Coordination
Attn: Dimitra Papadopoulou
Campus A2 2, Room 2.08.2
66123 Saarbrücken