
In an article in the Saarbrücker Zeitung on 10.02.2025, Prof. Josef van Genabith highlights the growing role of AI-supported translations, which are intended to supplement but not replace human translators. Prof. van Genabith conducts research at DFKI in Saarbrücken on the optimization of machine translation, particularly in the field of neural language models. His team is investigating efficient methods for less common languages and the explainability of AI models in order to make their…


Ein CAMPUS-Artikel über unseren Masterstudiengang Translation Science and Technology. 


Ein CAMPUS-Artikel über unseren Masterstudiengang Translation Science and Technology und die Möglichkeit, diesen mit einem Doppelabschluss abzuschließen. 


Interview im Webmagazin Campus mit Thorsten Havener, einem berühmten Autor, Redner und Mentalkünstler, der an der ehemaligen Fachrichtung "Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft sowie Übersetzen und Dolmetschen" studiert hat.

Die Saarbrücker Zeitung berichtet am 27.02.2023 vom Sonderforschungsbereich 1102 „Informationsdichte und sprachliche Kodierung“. Im Artikel wird ausführlich erklärt, warum der SFB 1102 so einmalig in Deutschland und auch auf internationaler Ebene ist. Es werden außerdem einige Teilprojekte vorgestellt, in denen die Informationsdichte und das Surprisal ganz konkrete Anwendungen finden.

Der SFB 1102 „Informationsdichte und sprachliche Kodierung“ hat 2022 seine dritte und letzte Förderperiode… [...]
Our student, Anna Spasiano, reports in the online magazine Campus about her way into the computational linguistics and about her experiences with this study programme. [...]
Professor Dr. Alexander Koller, Dr. Lucia Donatelli, and Masters student Theresa Schmidt were on the SR Aktueller Bericht on November 3. The three discussed the project they are currently working on to create an interactive cookbook, in which a home chef can interact directly with recipe text through a personalized dialogue system. The project is funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and will last for three years. The group presented their work this week at the Empirical Methods in… [...]
Ein CAMPUS-Artikel über das neue Forschungsprojekt “Das interaktive Kochbuch” von Prof. Alexander Koller, das von DFG gefördert wird. [...]
"When this Covid-19 pandemic happened, there was a sudden need to translate basic health tips into many languages. And we couldn't do this with machine translation models, because of the quality," says David Ifeoluwa Adelani, doctoral student in computer science at Saarland University, in a recently published BBC-article on machine translation. According to him, this has shown the need for translation technology that works for low-resource languages, especially in times of need.

David has been… [...]
Article in the CAMPUS web magazine about an exciting research project by Master's student Johannes Bernhard as part of his Master's thesis in the study programme "Language Science and Technology": Computer linguist reassembles ancient clay tablets. [...]