ZHMB Junior Research Group Human Genetics
Main research areas
The junior research group focuses on research into a class of small RNA molecules (miRNAs) and their functional significance in pathogenesis. The current research of the junior research group focusses on neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease and cancers such as bronchial carcinoma. The miRNA and mRNA expression profiles of both diseased tissues and various immune cell subtypes from patients are being analysed. One focus is on the identification of potential molecular biomarkers for the respective disease, but above all on the functional analysis of differentially expressed miRNAs. Robot-assisted methods are used to identify interactions between the miRNAs and their target mRNAs and to create starting points for understanding cellular regulatory networks in diseased cells and associated immune cell subtypes.
Dr. rer. nat.
Hart, Martin
Head of "ZHMB Nachwuchsgruppe"
Building 60, Room E.05
Tel.: +49 6841 16 26074
Fax: +49 6841 16 26185
Office hours: after prior registration by email
ZHMB - Zentrum für Human- und Molekularbiologie
Name, Vorname
Gebäude 60, Raum
Tel.: +49 6841 16 26
Fax: +49 6841 16 26185
Office hours: after prior registration by email
Maldener, Esther
AG Hart
Building 60, Room 224
Tel.: +49 6841 16 26375
Fax: +49 6841 16 26185
Name, Vorname
Building 60, Room
Tel.: +49 6841 16 26
Fax: +49 6841 16 26185
Office hours: after prior registration by email
Diener, Caroline
Krammes, Lena
Diener, Caroline
Fox, Vanessa
Schwarz, Sandra
Ripp, Annalena
M. D.
Nickl, Laura
Hater, Christina
Wagner, Beatrice
Kosfitskas, Magdalene
Dietrich, Demian
Eggert, Annibel
Wetzel, Leonie-Fiona
Pawusch, Sarah
Lunkes, Laetitia
Walter, Annabell
Haelke, Sara
Lauer, Paulina
The Junior Research Group Human Genetics was initiated by the University of Saarland in 2001 as one out of six junior research groups within the Center for Human and Molecular Biology at the university's Medical Faculty. The laboratory is accommodated at the Department of Human Genetics, headed by Prof. Dr. Eckart Meese.
The various Junior Research Groups are furthermore engaged in lecturing and practical courses for students in Human Biology with emphasis on Human and Molecular Biology.