Giovanni Soleti


Doktorvater: Jun.-Prof. Gianluca Rizzello

c/o ZeMA - Zentrum für Mechatronik und Automatisierungstechnik gGmbH
Eschberger Weg 46, Gewerbepark Gebäude 9
66121 Saarbrücken

Mail: giovanni.soleti(at) 

Telefon: -



  • 2022 - Master-Abschluss in Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, Polytechnikum Bari, Bari, Italien
  • 2019 - Bachelor-Abschluss in Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, Polytechnikum Bari, Bari, Italien



  • Dielectric Elastomers Phase 2 – Soft Material Actuator/Sensor Concepts for Soft Robotic Systems (DFG SPP 2100 SMRS),
    Teilprojekt Modellierung, Steuerung und Self-Sensing


  • Energiebasierte Modellierung und Regelung
  • Port-Hamiltonsche Systeme
  • Regelungs – und Self-Sensing-Verfahren für Soft Robots
  • Dielektrische Elastomere
  • Soft Robotics



  • Wintersemester 2023/24 - Unterstützung der Übungen von ASIM 3, Unterstützung für SSoRo

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Zeitschriften mit Peer-Review

  1. D. Pisla, D. Caramia, B. Gherman, G. Soleti, I. Ulinici, and C. Vaida, “A novel control architecture for robotic-assisted single incision laparoscopic surgery,” The Romanian Journal of Technical Sciences. Applied Mechanics, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 143-165.


  1. G. Soleti, L. Cicali, M. Franci, L. Pugi, and G. Rizzello, “Task Space Trajectory Planning for an  Articulated Dielectric Elastomer Soft Robot with Input Saturation and Underactuation," in The 20th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications, 2024, pp. 1-6.
  2. J. Kunze, G. Soleti, D. Bruch, P. Motzki, S. Nalbach, S. Seelecke, and G. Rizzello, “Development and Experimental Evaluation of a Compact 3D Bending Module actuated by Rolled Dielectric Elastomer Actuators," in Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) XXVI, 2024, pp. 1-9.
  3. G. Soleti, P. R. Massenio, J. Kunze, and G. Rizzello, “Nonlinear Coordinate Transformation and Trajectory Tracking Control of an Underactuated Soft Robot Driven by Dielectric Elastomers," in 7th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Soft Robotics, 2024, pp. 1-7.
  4. G. Soleti, J. Prechtl, P. R. Massenio, M. Baltes, and G. Rizzello, “Energy based control of a bi-stable and underactuated soft robotic system based on dielectric elastomer actuators," in Proc. of 22th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, 2023, pp. 1-6.
  5. D. Bevilacqua, G. Soleti, G. Rizzello, and P. Motzki, “Bio-Inspired Flapping Wing Antagonist Actuation with SMA Wires," in International Conference and Exhibition on New Actuator Systems and Applications ACTUATOR 22, 2022, pp. 1-4.