- Prof. Dr. Stefan Morana /
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- Toreini, P., Langer, M., Maedche, A., Morana, S., Vogel, T. 2022 “Designing Attentive Information Dashboards”, Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) Preprints (Forthcoming). 23. DOI: 10.17705/1jais.00732
- Diederich, S., Brendel, A., Morana, S., Kolbe, L. 2022 “On the Design of and Interaction with Conversational Agents: An Interdisciplinary Review of Human-Computer Interaction Research”, Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), 23 (1), 96–138. DOI: 10.17705/1jais.00724
- Winkelhaus, S., Grosse, E., Morana, S. 2021 “Towards a Conceptualisation of Order Picking 4.0”, Computers & Industrial Engineering 159, 107511
- Seeber, I., Waizenegger, L., Seidel, S., Morana, S., Benbasat, I., Lowry, P. B. 2020 “Collaborating with technology-based autonomous agents: Issues and research opportunities”, Internet Research, 30 (1), 1-18, DOI: 10.1108/INTR-12-2019-0503
- Feine, J., Gnewuch, U., Morana, S., Maedche, A. 2019 „A Taxonomy of Social Cues for Conversational Agents”, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 132, 138-161
- Maedche, A., Legner, C., Benlian, A., Berger, B., Gimpel, H., Hess, T., Hinz, O., Morana, S., Söllner, M. 2019 „AI-Based Digital Assistants Opportunities, Threats, and Research Perspectives”, Business & Information Systems Engineering, 61 (4)
- Morana, S., Kroenung, J., Schacht, S., Maedche, A. 2019 „Designing Process Guidance Systems”, Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), 20 (5), 499–535
- Jung., D., Dorner, V., Glaser, F., Morana, S. 2018. “Robo-Advisory: Digitalization and Automation of Financial Advisory”, Business & Information Systems Engineering, 60 (1), 81-86
- Morana, S., Schacht, S., Scherp, A., Maedche, A. 2017. „A Review of the Nature and Effects of Guidance Design Features”, Decision Support Systems, 97, 31–42.
- Maedche, A., Morana, S., Schacht, S., Krumeich, J., Werth, D. 2016. „Catchword - Advanced User Assistance Systems”, Business & Information Systems Engineering, 58 (5)
- Bitzer, T., Wiener, M., Morana, S. “The Role of Algorithmic Transparency in Contact-tracing App Adoption“, 42nd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2021), Austin, 12.-15. December 2021, AIS eLibrary
- Sohn, S., Siemon, D., Morana S. “When Live Chats Make Us Disclose More“, 42nd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2021), Austin, 12.-15. December 2020, AIS eLibrary
- Feine, J., Morana, S., Maedche, A. 2020 “A Chatbot Response Generation System”, Mensch und Computer 2020 (MuC’20), September 6–9, 2020, Magdeburg, Germany, ACM, New York (NY)
- Morana, S., Gnewuch, U., Granig, C., Jung, D. 2020 “The Effect of Anthropomorphism on Financial Decision-Making with Robo-Advisor Chatbots”, Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (EICS) 2020
- Feine, J., Gnewuch, U., Morana, S., Maedche, A. 2019. “Gender Bias in Chatbot Design”, Chatbot Research and Design: Third International Workshop, CONVERSATIONS 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 19-20, 2019, Revised Selected Papers. Ed.: A. Følstad, 79–93, Springer, Cham
- Feine, J., Morana, S., Maedche, A. 2019. “Designing a Chatbot Social Cue Configuration System”, 40th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2019), München, 15.-18. Dezember 2019, AIS eLibrary
- Maedche, A., Gregor, S., Morana, S., Feine, J. 2019. “Conceptualization of the Problem Space in Design Science Research” Extending the Boundaries of Design Science Theory and Practice – 14th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, DESRIST 2019, Worcester, MA, USA, June 4–6, 2019, Proceedings. Ed.: B. Tulu, 76–91, Springer International Publishing, Cham
- Gnewuch, U., Morana, S., Adam, M.P.T., Maedche, A. 2018. “Faster is Not Always Better: Understanding the Effect of Dynamic Response Delays in Human-Chatbot Interaction”, Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2018), Portsmouth, UK.
- Gnewuch, U., Morana, S., Maedche, A. 2017 “Towards Designing Cooperative and Social Conversational Agents for Customer Service”, Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, ROK, December 10-13, 2017. Research-in-Progress Papers, AISeL, Seoul, ROK
- Winkelhaus, S., Sutter, A., Grosse, E., Morana, S. 2021 “Soziotechnische Systeme: Der Mensch in der Industrie 4.0 - Ein Vorgehensmodell zur Analyse”, Industrie 4.0 Management, 37 (3), 45 - 48
- Adam, M. T. P., Gregor, S., Hevner, A., Morana, S. (2021). “Design science research modes in human-computer interaction projects”. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 13(1), pp. 1-11.
- Morana, S. and Maedche. A. 2020 “Designing Process Guidance Systems the Case of IT Service Management”, In Design Science Research. Cases., 177–203, Springer, Cham
- Maedche, A., Legner, C., Benlian, A., Berger, B., Gimpel, H., Hess, T., Hinz, O., Morana, S., Söllner, M. 2019 “AI-Based Digital Assistants Opportunities, Threats, and Research Perspectives”, Business & Information Systems Engineering, 61 (4), 535-544.
- Morana, S., Maedche, A. 2018 „AI-Enabled User Assistance: Designing Human-Intelligent System Cooperation“, ICIS 2018 TREO Talks
- vom Brocke, J., Fettke, P., Gau, M., Houy, C., Maedche, A., Morana, S., Seidel, S. 2017. “Tool-Support for Design Science Research: Design Principles and Instantiation”. SSRN Electronic Journal
- Morana, S., Friemel, C., Gnewuch, U., Maedche, A., Pfeiffer, J. 2017. “Interaktion mit smarten Systemen - Aktueller Stand und zukünftige Entwicklungen im Bereich der Nutzerassistenz”, Wirtschaftsinformatik und Management, 9 (5)