Paton, Alan

About Alan Paton

Biography (Encyclopædia Britannica)

Biography (South African History)



Brutus, Dennis. "Protest Against Apartheid: Alan Paton, Nadine Gordimer, Athol Fugard, Alfred Hutchinson and Arthur Nortje​​​​​​​." Protest and Conflict in African Literature, Pieterse and Munro (eds.), 1969



Autobiography/Life Writing

Journey Continued: An Autobiography (1988)

Towards the Mountain (1980)



Save the Beloved Country (1989)

Ah, But Your Land is Beautiful (1981)

Knocking on the Door (1975)

Case History of a Pinky (1972)

Kontaktion For You Departed (1969)

Instrument of Thy Peace (1968)

The Long View (1967)

South African Tragedy (1965)

Hofmeyr (1964)

Tales from a Troubled Land (1961)

Debbie Go Home (1960)

South Africa in Transition (1956)

The Land and People of Souh Africa (1955)

Too Late the Phalarope (1953)



Lost in the Stars (1950)

Cry, The Beloved Country (1948)