Osun­dare, Niyi

About Niyi Osundare

Biography (Hurs & Ryder)



Onanuga, Paul. "Exploring Post-Colonial Leadership Crisis in Africa: A Linguistic Stylistic Analysis of Osundare's The State Visit and Two Plays." JLS/TLW, vol. 34, no. 1, Mar. 2018

Ngumoha, Emma. "The Poet as Rainmaker: Fertility and Puvial Aesthetics in Osundare's The Eye of The Earth." Tydskrif Vir Letterkunde, vol. 48, no. 1, 2011



Poetry Collections

Random Blues (2011)

City Without People: The Katrina Poems (2011)

Tender Moments: Love Poems (2006)

Not My Business (2005)

Early Birds (2004)

Pages from the Book of the Sun: New and Selected Poems (2002)

The Word is an Egg (2002)

Midlife (1993)

Selected Poems (1992)

Waiting Laughters (1990)

Songs of the Season (1999)

Moonsongs (1988)

The Eye of the Earth (1986)

Songs from the Marketplace (1983)



Two Plays (2005)

The State Visit (2002)