Crusz, Rienzi

About Rienzi Crusz

Biography and more (Asian Heritage in Canada)



Clarke, George Elliott. "Reading Rienzi Crusz: An Elegy." New Quarterly, vol. 148, 2018

Thorpe, Michael. "Lord of the Mountain." World Literature Today, vol. 74, no. 3, 2000

Gordon, Scott. "Understanding Crusz." Canadian Literature, vol 161-162, 1999

Levenson, Christopher. "Dark Antonyms and Paradise. The Poetry of Rienzi Crusz." University of Toronto Quarterly, vol. 68, no. 1, 1998-1999



Halpe, Aparna. “Balancing in Silence: On Rienzi Crusz's Engagement with Myth.” Confluences 1: Essays on the New Canadian Literature, Aziz (ed.), 2016

Kanaganayakam, Chelva. "Ramleela and Bon Bibi: Rethinking South Asian Diaspora." Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities, vol. 36, no. 1-2, 2010

Mishra, Vijay. "Unfixed Selves." Canadian Literature, vol. 169, 2001

Kanaganayakam, Chelva. "A Passionate Dance: The Poetry of Rienzi Crusz." Floating the Borders: New Contexts in Canadian Criticism, Aziz (ed.), 1999

Parameswaran, Uma. "The Singing Metaphor: Poetry of Rienzi Crusz." Canadian Literature, vol. 132, 1992



Poetry Collections

How to Dance in This Rarefied Air (2017)

Don't Tell Me That I'm Not an Elephant (2012)

Enough to Be Mortal Now (2009)

Love Where the Nights Are Green (2007)

Gambolling With the Divine (2003)

Lord of the Mountain (1999)

Beatitudes of Ice (1995)

The Rain Doesn't Know Me Anymore (1992)

Still Close to the Raven (1989)

A Time for Loving (1986)

Singing against the Wind (1985)

Elephant and Ice (1980)

Flesh and Thorn (1974)


Essays/Articles/Non-Fiction/Short Stories

Ralph Nader: A Bibliography, 1960 - 1982 (1982)

Business: A Guide to Select Reference Sources (1987)