Life Insurance Mathematics

Prof. Dr. Christian Bender | apl. Prof. Dr. Frederik Herzberg

Wintersemester 2024/2025

Recommended prerequisites

Basic knowledge of modern probability theory (at the level of the mathematics course Stochastik I).


Mondays, 12.15 - 13.45 pm, building E2 4, Seminarraum 6 (room 2.17)
Start date:  21 October 2024 


One hour per week (by arrangement)

Course material

The course material can be found on the learning management system Moodle. If you are interested to attend the course, please ask for the enrolment key at your earliest convenience via email to:

bender [at]

Moodle enrolment


This course provides an introduction to life insurance mathematics broadly conceived, covering insurances against all life-contingent risks, with a particular emphasis on the regulatory framework in Germany. Topics include:

  • Multiple-decrement models and actuarial calculation bases
  • Expected present values of payment streams (for premiums and benefits)
  • Equivalence principle and actuarial reserves
  • Applications: whole life insurance, annuities, pensions, private health insurance