
Finding the right scholarship

A large and diverse range of scholarships are available to students at Saarland University. In many cases, the award of a scholarship will depend on an applicant's individual situation. Finding the right scholarship can therefore take quite a time and it's not something that someone else can do for you. You'll need to do the research and compare the different scholarships available. The information on this page has been compiled to give you a quick initial overview.

Information on scholarships for international students (and international doctoral students) is available from the university's Welcome Center.

Scholarship programmes for gifted students

There are numerous organizations in Germany that offer scholarships to gifted students. These organizations include party-affiliated bodies, trade unions, business-friendly organizations and religious or denominational bodies and provide scholarships on the basis of their own internal award criteria. The following link contains a list of university contacts who can provide advice on these specific scholarships.

Deutschlandstipendium scholarships

Deutschlandstipendium is Germany's national scholarship programme. The scholarships are awarded by Saarland University with administrative support provided by the foundation 'StudienStiftungSaar'. In addition to good academic grades, the selection procedure takes into account an applicant's social or community activities and their personal circumstances. Applications must be submitted via the StudienStiftungSaar online application portal.

StudienStiftungSaar scholarships

The scholarships provided by StudienStiftungSaar are awarded to students studying at higher education institutions in Saarland. In addition to receiving monthly payments, scholarship holders also have the opportunity to take part in workshops and seminars or to take advantage of opportunities for personal mentoring and coaching.

Scholarships provided by supporters of Saarland University

A number of friends and supporters of Saarland University provide scholarships and other forms of financial support to students at Saarland University. Please note that some of these awards are restricted to specific subject areas or topics.

Funding options for your stay abroad

A number of specialist scholarships are available for funding a period spent studying, researching or teaching in another country. For more information, please contact the university's GoOut! Service Center or visit the DAAD scholarships and funding options web page.

Uplift scholarship for vocationally trained workers

Aufstiegsstipendium is a scholarship programme designed to open up new career development opportunities for people who have completed a vocational training programme and have at least two years of experience working in their field. Applications can be submitted before the start of the degree programme and up until the end of the second semester.

Scholarships for STEM study programmes

Starting in the winter semester of 2024/2025, Saarland will be providing a total of 22 'BerufsSaarländer*in' scholarships each year to students who choose to study a STEM (German: MINT) subject (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). Recipients will receive a monthly grant of €850 and must undertake to work in one of the Saarland state administrative agencies for at least five years after graduating. Learn more at

Stipendien für Lehramtsstudierende

Das Stipendium Digitale Bildung bietet Lehramtsstudierenden über einen Zeitraum von einem Jahr kostenlose Fortbildungen, Webinare, Vernetzungstreffen und ein Zertifikat rund um digitale Bildung und Medienkompetenz an. Das Stipendium steht Lehramtsstudierenden aller Fächer ab dem ersten Semester, Studierenden der Studiengänge Bachelor und Master of Education sowie der Wirtschaftspädagogik offen.

In addition to the options listed here, there are numerous other scholarships available. Please refer to the following websites for an overview: