Festivals, concerts, theatres and all things cultural

Saarbrücken hosts a large number of cultural events throughout the year. Every year, the Max Ophüls Film Festival – an important festival celebrating the best in young German-language film – and the Franco-German theatre festival Perspectives draw large numbers of (international) artists and people in the creative industries to Saarbrücken. The Saarland State Theatre hosts productions throughout the year at its main house as well as in its two smaller, more intimate performance spaces Alte Feuerwache and Sparte 4. Students at Saarland University can receive free tickets for theatrical productions by presenting their student card (UdS Card) up to three days before the scheduled performance at the booking office in town or at the theatre box office.
The music festivals in Saarland are another highlight of the cultural calendar, including the three-day Rocco del Schlacko festival or the electronic dance music event Electro-Magnetic that is held in Völklinger Hütte – a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Concerts covering all musical genres are performed throughout the year in a variety of locations, from small clubs to major venues such as the Congresshalle or Saarlandhalle.
Intercultural activities – ZiS
The Centre for International Students (ZiS) helps incoming international students settle in to campus life by offering them a buddy (a volunteer student mentor), a programme of joint leisure and recreational activities and a broad range of information materials.