Preparatory German language course

The International Study Centre Saar (ISZ Saar) offers German language courses at all levels from A0 (complete beginners) through to C1 (advanced users) that prepare participants for the German higher education language proficiency exam DSH (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang). Places on these preparatory German language courses are normally reserved for international applicants who will be studying for an undergraduate degree at Saarland University. Exceptions to this rule exist for a number of Master's degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Humanities.

Important information for applicants

Application requirements

You can apply to join a preparatory German language course even if you have no prior knowledge of German. However, before you apply, you will need to obtain preliminary review documentation  from uni-assist.

The application process

The application procedure is a two-stage process:

  1. The first step is to obtain preliminary review documentation from uni-assist, which confirms that you have met the admission requirements for the degree programme that you will be studying after successfully completing the DSH language exam.
  2. Once you have received the preliminary review documentation from uni-assist, you should apply for a place on the German language course by submitting an online application via Saarland University's SIM portal.

The preparatory German language courses begin in the winter and in the summer semester. Online applications should be submitted in the following periods:

  • until 15 July (for winter semester entry)
  • early December until 15 January (for summer semester entry)
Required documentation

Please submit the following documents in digital form (e.g. as a scan):

  • Preliminary review documentation from uni-assist
  • Proof of proficiency in German (e.g. a German language certificate)
  • Secondary school leaving certificate / Higher education entrance qualification (in the original language plus an officially certified translation into German, English or French; if the original document is in German, English or French, no translation is required)
  • Valid identity document or passport
  • If applicable, proof of other periods of academic study (e.g. certificates of academic attainment, certificates of enrolment). Please submit these documents in the original language plus an officially certified translation into German, English or French; if the original document is in German, English or French, no translation is required.
  • If applicable, certificate of graduation from a foreign university (in the original language plus an officially certified translation into German, English or French; if the original document is in German, English or French, no translation is required)
  • If applicable, a certificate with the results of a higher education assessment test (Feststellungsprüfung) from a higher education preparatory institute (Studienkolleg)
  • If applicable, certificates of enrolment from other German universities at which you previously studied
  • Proof of proficiency in German, if applicable

Joining the course

Before starting the language course, all successful applicants take a diagnostic language test to assess their level of proficiency in German. The test is carried out at the beginning of the semester. The dates of the placement test and information about the test are available from the ISZ Saar website.

If your application for admission to study at Saarland University is successful, you are guaranteed a place on the preparatory German language course. We carry out the diagnostic language test so that we can be place you in the most suitable learning group:

  • Level I courses for learners with little or no prior knowledge of German (CEFR levels: A1 to B1); these courses conclude with a diagnostic language test.
  • Level II courses for intermediate to advanced learners of German (CEFR levels: B2 to C1); these courses conclude with the DSH exam (German higher education language proficiency exam).

The time frame for the preparatory German language course is as follows:

  • Winter semester: begins: 1 September; ends: 28 February
  • Summer semester: begins: 1 March; ends: 31 August