

The Trilingual Campus team offers the following services:

  • Professional translation services from German into English and French

  • Development of a common corporate language in English and French for general university terminology as well as Saarland University proper names (which are always agreed in advance with the respective employee, department or institution)

  • Maintenance and continuous expansion of the university's internal Trilingual Glossary

  • Advice on translation questions

  • Training courses on using AI-asssisted translation systems for Saarland University employees

  • Coordination of DeepL licences for university employees

  • Fostering university-wide discussion and knowledge sharing about multilingualism in the group ‘Gelebte Mehrsprachigkeit’ (Multilingualism in Practice) Click here to join the discussion

We use the professional translation software SDL Trados Studio, which stores all of our quality-approved translations and makes them available to us should we need to translate similar texts at some future date (translation memory system).

Translation of key administrative documents

Our focus here is on providing translations of formal administrative documents and similar texts that are of particular relevance to international students and visiting academics. Examples include:

  • Academic study and teaching: Admission and enrolment application documents, study and examination regulations for English-language degree programmes, principles of good academic practice at Saarland University

  • Human resources: Documents used in the professorial appointment procedure, application forms for parental leave, information for research assistants

  • Workplace safety: Emergency response plan / fire safety regulations at Saarland University

If you have administrative documents of this type that need translation into English or French, please get in touch. You are welcome to use our translation request form.

Translation of website and intranet content

The Trilingual Campus team translates important pages from Saarland University’s website and intranet site into English and French. The priority is on web and intranet content that is most relevant to prospective international students and to the international students and staff already here, as well as pages that are particularly relevant for international university employees.

We would welcome your feedback if you have identified university web pages and intranet content that you think could be of particular importance to these target groups. 

If you have a specific translation request, we suggest that you contact us via our translation request form.

In view of the very large demand for translations at Saarland University, we are currently only able to accept translation requests if these are of core relevance to our international target groups. Unfortunately, we cannot provide translation or proofreading services for academic papers or for web pages that are not directly relevant to international students or staff.

Please also note that good translations take time to complete and our focus is on delivering high-quality professional translations. If you have a translation request, please get in touch with us at the earliest opportunity so that we can incorporate your text into our work schedule and provide you with an estimate of the time needed to complete your translation.

Do you need to have a text translated and you'd like to find out more about the steps involved? You can learn more in the section Workflow.