Structure and Content
The Bachelor's degree programmes in European Studies in Saarbrücken are unique in Germany: Their curricula are characterized by a combination of interdisciplinary basic knowledge and a specialist subject.
In the core area, all students acquire basic, but diverse knowledge on Europe (geography, law, politics, history, culture). The specialist subject allows students to select a subject that matches their own personal interests, and in which they will be trained as geographers, historians or literary scholars, depending on the subject-specific focus they choose. Their specialist subject supplements the basic knowledge of European contexts taught in the degree programme.
Bachelor’s degree programmes in European Studies
The Bachelor's degree programmes in European Studies are composed of three areas:
- Core area: In the core area, students from all three degree programmes take courses in European Studies together. The courses teach basic knowledge of Europe and ensure that students enrolled in the programme acquire a sound overview of the field. Students also take language courses, undertake a work placement or internship, spend a compulsory stay abroad and, at the end of their studies, complete a Bachelor's thesis.
- Specialist subject: When enrolling for one of the three degree programmes, students choose a specialist subject. Students specialize in a certain field and receive subject-specific training in scientific and research methodology.
- Mandatory electives: In this area, students can select courses that meet their personal academic interests to acquire additional skills. In the mandatory elective area, students can select and combine courses from a specified module catalogue.
In the core area, which all students enrolled in the Bachelor’s degree programmes in European Studies need to complete, they are taught basic knowledge about Europe. These courses provide an interdisciplinary overview of historical and current development processes which will help the students understand how Europe became what it is today.
Introductory events and advanced courses in the fields of geography, history, intercultural communication, media and cultural studies, political science and law create the ideal basis for the students to understand Europe.
The core area also includes language courses (9 ECTS credits), which prepare students for their stay abroad and represent an additional qualification.
Students spend their fifth semester staying abroad (Erasmus semester or, for students of the 'European Studies: Geographies of Europe’ programme, a research stay; 20 ECTS credits).
An eight-week Europe-specific professional internship (12 CP) offers the opportunity to gain insights into working practice.
The Bachelor's thesis in the chosen major subject (12 CP) concludes the program.
If you are interested in studying European Studies at Saarland University, you can choose between three specialist subjects. You will need to select one of the following specialist subjects before starting your studies:
- European Studies: Geographies of Europe
- European Studies: Modern and Contemporary History
- European Studies: Comparative Literature
Students earn slightly more than one third of the total number of ECTS credits in the specialist subject. This means that students are not only taught basic knowledge on Europe and gain a Europe-related qualification, but also specialize in a particular subject. As a result, graduates are equally qualified for admission to subject-specific Master's degree programmes and to enter the job market after obtaining their Bachelor’s degree due to their professional profile.
Students are required to complete mandatory elective courses corresponding to 18 ECTS credits. Within the mandatory elective area, students can select the modules that meet their personal academic interests from a specified list. To view the list of modules available in this area, please check the module catalogue.
In the mandatory elective section, students can select and take courses from the following fields in order to strengthen their academic profile:
- Business Administration
- European Comparative Media Studies
- Classical Archaeology
- Modern and Contemporary History
- Philosophy
- Romance Languages and Literature
- Comparative Literature Studies
- Prehistory and Early History
- 'Optionalbereich' including certificates (e.g. Applied Pop Studies, Gender Studies, German as a Second Language...)
A compulsory stay abroad is an important aspect of the degree programme. A semester abroad opens up new perspectives, increases your chances on the job market and broadens your personal horizons; in addition, students acquire a wide range of skills during the time spent abroad. To make it as easy as possible for students to plan and spend their semester abroad, the study abroad period is organized within the framework of the EU exchange programme ERASMUS+.
A professional internship or work placement is a compulsory component of the Bachelor’s degree programme in European Studies. Students receive 12 ECTS credits for successfully completing the work placement or internship.
Criteria for a suitable internship or work placement:
- 320 hours, i.e. 8 weeks full-time internship / work placement (longer if you choose a part-time internship / work placement)
- Related in a meaningful manner to the curriculum of the Bachelor’s programme (European dimension, international cooperation, tasks related to the chosen specialist subject)
- It is possible to complete the internship / work placement abroad
- The internship / work placement must be approved in advance by the programme coordinator or the subject coordinator
- Documentary proof: The company, organization or research institution hosting the work placement / internship shall provide an ungraded certificate confirming that the work placement / internship was completed. Additionally, the student must submit a student report that documents the work carried out during the work placement / internship.
- Relevant professional experience can be recognised as a work placement / internship
Am Ende des Studium steht die Bachelorarbeit, in der sich die Studierenden eigenständig mit einer wissenschaftlichen Fragestellung aus der gewählten Ausrichtung befassen.