We make and study compounds and materials at the interface of inorganic, organic and physical chemistry.

We love unusual electronic structures and use them in photochemistry and functional group transfer.

Open Positions: Contact Dominik if you are excited and have the right background to push electrons with us.


02/2025:  Our teamwork with Matteo and Andrea on  NHC-stabilized Au-nanoparticles is out - honoring our (Pier & Dominik) PhD mentor Thomas Strassner.

02/2025:  The group joins Skilizium with the Scheschkewitz/Greb/Himmel/Mitzel/Krossing groups in Grisons.  Great science, great to catch up, great food, looking already forward for next year!

01/2025:  Check out our two preprints on terminal gold(I) imides (sic !) as well as the elusive oxidation product of PPh3, which serves as a versatile reagent!  

12/2024:  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!  

12/2024:  Kevin's and Aditesh's manuscript on the pi-Lewis Base activation of electron-deficient pi-systems has been accepted for publication with ACIE.  Great team effort, special thanks to Sergi, Kallol, Frank and Michael!

11/2024:  Our Graduate School Ec=m2 has been approved for funding by DFG.  Exciting times ahead!

10/2024:  We welcome Alex for her Vertiefungspraktikum.  Thanks for joining, and much joy!!!

10/2024:  We welcome Soimantik to the group.  Wish you a good start!

10/2024:  What a week:  Two manuscripts were accepted in JACS, one thereof Fabian's (and Juli, Ugo, Bernd) lead-substituted triplet carbene, and Abinash's contribution to a bis-μ-Oxo Iron Complex with a [FeIV(μ-O)2FeIV] Diamond Core by the Meyer group.  Enjoy!

09/2024:  We hosted the Fulbright-Cottrell Meeting 2024 on Science Communication in Saarbrücken.  What a blast!  Special thanks goes to the speakers Rae, Sabetta, Kitty, Mark as well as Chris Kay and of course co-organizer Günther Thiele and Fulbright Germany.  See you next year in Stuttgart!

08/2024:  Group hike in the Pfalz.  Scorching sun, cooling drinks, almost half-marathon (!) distance.  Top class!  I guess, next year we will cut the distance a bit and make sure, the targeted Biergarten is opened…

08/2024:   Fabian's work on «A Lead(II) Substituted Triplet Carbene» is out on ChemRxiv 2024. Check it out!

07/2024:  We welcome Fatemeh as intern to the group.  Enjoy!!!

07/2024:  Dominik presents at IISER Kolkata, ICOMC in Agra and IIT Madras.  It has been great catching up with so many friends, thank you for the invitation, so fascinating to see vibrant India moving forward.

06/2024:  We welcome Chandan to the group.  Nice to have you on board, your daily smile is truly mesmerizing.

06/2024:  Kevin's Preview on a Single-Site catalyst by the Beller group is online.

04/2024:  We welcome Meghamala to the group.  Good luck with these clusters!

03/2024:  Our first contribution to cluster chemistry is finally out. HAPPY!

02/2024:  Simon & Aditesh represent the group at the KCT in Innsbruck.  Nice to connect (again) with the community!

02/2024:  Dominik & Simon joined the Skilizium in Gstaad with the Scheschkewitz group. Great fun, looking forward for more (and snow...). 

01/2024:  Our joint work with Karsten Meyer @FAU (with massive contribution by Kevin) on an FeVII (Yes, s-e-v-e-n !!!) finally appeared with  So happy of having been part of this wonderful piece of chemistry.

11/2023:  We organized an excursion of the Gymnasium am Stefansberg (Merzig) with 135 students.  Hoping to seeing more chemistry enthusiasts in the near future, the world needs you!  Thanks to Alexander Titz (HIPS), Daniel Krug (Microbelix), David Schaaf (PC-DC), Mario Quilitz (INM), the Fachschaft, Cedric, Paula, Simon, Sophie, Anna-Lena, and particularly Thomas John (Physics).

11/2023:  Our collaborative efforts with the Chu lab (CAS Beijing) is being highlighted by ACIE.  Happy for this recognition of Fabian's work and VERY thankful to ACIE.

10/2023:  Our joint work with the Mindiola group (UPenn) is accepted with ACIE.  Congrats Abinash, congrats to the team!

10/2023:  We welcome Aditesh and Hashem to the team.  Good luck!

10/2023:  We report with Y. Loh and G. Bertrand (UCSD) in Nature on a bisoxidized carbene.  Looking forward to seeing more carbon-based dications!  Happy to see that this work has been highlighted by C&EN News  and Deutschlandfunk.

9/2023:  Kevin's contribution on CC-bond activation has been accepted by ChemCommun as a Cover article.  Thank you very much!

09/2023:  We welcome Ugo to the team!  Happy to have you on board!!!

07/2023:  Nicola's joint work with the Meyer group on water splitting by nickel is out with ChemEurJ.  Congrats to the team!

06/2023:  We welcome Alex and Selva to the group.  Good luck and much fun with these molecules!!!

06/2023:  Firmenlauf with two teams:  David S. + André S. + Dominik M. & Sneha + Nicola + Simon.  Great fun with undisclosed time...

06/2023:  Soccer tournament with an unfortunate meeting with PC/DC after scoring first in the group phase.  See you next year again ;)

05/2023:  Congratulations to Fabian for his work on Al(I) for isocyanide homologation.  This project was led by Jiaxiang (CAS Beijing).  Long time, no see!

04/2023:  Three manuscripts to celebrate:  Nicola's Master thesis on Peppsi-CAACs as well as a Cobalt singlet nitrene and CAAC-derived propellers.  Congratulations all!

03/2023:  We welcome Sneha (previously: Jones group).  Looking forward for nice P-compounds and wish you all the best!

02/2023:  Olha, Kevin and Fabian leave the group for new adventures @Chicago, @Basel & @Stockholm.  We wish you only the best in this next step of your life!

01/2023:  We welcome Matteo from Padua, who will work on Pd and Au clusters in cooperation with the Biffis group in Padua and Tobias Kraus (Yannic, respectively) @INM.  Excited to have you here!

01/2023:  Dominik presents in Oldenburg.  Thank you Jarl for the nice time!

01/2023:  Our joint work with Yin Kai (and Guy Bertrand, "Mo" Melaimi) on a truely fascinating carbene is now out in JACS.  Watch out for more to come!

01/2023:  Our joint work with Karsten Meyer (and Sergio Jannuzzi, Serena de Beer) on Iron terminal Imido complexes is now out in JACS.  Massive effort by Martin, Mao & Liam, congrats to the Team!!

01/2023:  We wish you a happy new year and a peaceful and quite Christmas time!!!

12/2022:  I think, we finally got the right mechanism for the Metolachlor process after 20 years of efforts.  Read the details in this massive contribution by Kevin in Organometallics.

11/2022:  Anne-Marie Caminade from LCC Toulouse presents the inaugural Grignard-Wittig Lecture of the GDCh @UdS.  Our heartiest congratulations again!

10/2022:  Dominik presents @WöhlerTagung in Marburg.  After a lot of travelling happy to be back in Saarbrücken to do & enjoy science (and prepare courses for the Wintersemester)

09/2022:  Dominik presents @StratinghInstitute in beatuiful Groningen.  What a blast!  Thanks for the invitation.

09/2022:  Juli & Nicola present their work @Koordinationschemikertagung in Jena.  A lot of fun...

08/2022:  Dominik presents @ICCC in Rimini.  Scorching hot!  And equally hot program!

07/2022:  Dominik presents @ICOMC in Prag.  Nice to meet the crowd again and to make new friends!

07/2022:  Kevin's work quantifying carbene redox non-innocence is out in ACIE.  Big shout out for great work!

06/2022:  We score 4th in the chemistry faculty's football tournament.  Big shout out to Simon, Nicola, Kevin, Juli, Dominik and especially Tobias & Michael from OC!!!!  Thanks to Diego for organizing!

06/2022:  Kevin's review on non-innnocence of CAACs is out. Have a good read!  Also, cooperative work on iron- (Werncke) and cobalt (Meyer) nitrenes has been accepted for publication in ChemSci and ACIE.

05/2022: Dominik is elected chair of the GDCh chapter Saar.  Thanks for your trust!

05/2022: Dominik presents on chemical energy conversion @Tag_der_offenen_Tür der Universität des Saarlandes.  Thank you for coming, hopefully see you next winter semester again!

05/2022: Annette's fantastic work on Pd-nitrenes  (with contributions by Bhupendra, Kevin, Dajana & Martí) has been accepted for publication by JACS.  Congratulations to all!

04/2022: Dominik presents on Nitrenes and Photochemistry with radicals @RWTH Aachen.  Thank you Paul, Sonja and Ulli for the warm welcome!

03/2022: Dominik presents online about nitrenes & radicals @Tel Aviv University.  Thank you, Roman, for the invitation and hopefully see you soon!

02/2022: Dominik presents on Dajana's and Annette's achievements @ATC 2022 of the DECHEMA in Frankfurt.  See you again! 

01/2022: Pier's work on luminescent s-block complexes has been highlighted by Chemical Science  as top-work 2021 in Physical (sic !) Chemistry. Thanks for the nice compliments!

01/2022: We welcome Nicola and Kevin to group. Great having you here (again)!

12/2021: Dajana submits her Master Thesis, which targeted the synthesis of radicals, their spectroscopy, and computational description. Great job, congratulations! And may the inspiration and smile stay with you for the next years!

12/2021: 2G+ Christmas Meeting with all Inorganic Chemists. It was great joy and promises hope for "normalizing" general conditions next year...

11/2021: Dominik presents @Georg August Universität Göttingen (Inorganic Seminar).  Thanks for the invititation and warm welcome, thanks for inspiration & suggestions. Super-happy to have eventually had again "in person" scientific exchange.

10/2021: Happy-Nette defends her PhD in Erlangen.  We wish you and your family only the best.  And: We are so proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10/2021: Dominik presents @Fulbright Cotrell Workshop about some teaching ideas. Great to connect with the crowd again (and get to know new Junior PIs), see you hopefully next year in person (in Saarbrücken???)

10/2021: Juli's, Manoj's & Stephen paper on Wanzlick's equilibrium aka "how to isolate carbenes hitherto believed to dimerize instantaneously" aka "may triaminoolefins dissociate into carbenes?" is accepted in Org. Chem. Front.. Congratulations all!Good job - Essentially accepted as is, something Dominik was not yet familiar with...

09/2021: Happy day: Two papers accepted! One in JACS by Sadig Aghazada, former postdoc with K. Meyer, now with C. Copéret. And Quentin's contribution to Grégoire Sieg's (with G. Werncke) work on ketyl/aldiminyl complexes of 3d complexes, to be published in IC. Congratulations all!

09/2021: Dominik presents the Dream Lecture @ the Institute for Physical Chemistry, Polish Acadamy of Science.  Thank you Adam for the invitation, looking forward to meeting you soon

09/2021: Our joint publication with AKs Hohloch & Daumann on mesoionic carbenes in vanadium chemistry has been accepted for publication in Inorganic Chemistry.  Great team effort, looking forward for more to come...

09/2021: Dominik presents Annette's work and Wissenschaftsforum (WiFo 2021).  Nice to connect with the colleagues, even if only virtually. 

08/2021: Dominik, Juli and Dajana organize a High-School day ("Probestudium").  Great Efforts, great work, much fun!  Hopefully, we will see many of you next year again at Saarland University.  Thanks goes also to Oliver Janka (AK Kickelbick), Günther Thiele (FU Berlin) and, of course, PCDC (Chris Kay & David Schaaf).

08/2021: We welcome Bhupendra, previously with AKRoesky @KIT, to the group.  We are very happy to have you here, wish you all the best, fun & success, and are looking forward for exciting chemistry with excited molecules!

08/2021: Various papers are accepted.  These are Juli's and Pier's work on a lead(II) toluene complex, Annette's and Anjana's review on late transition metal imidos (including superb calculations!) and Franziska's (AK Inoue, TUM) work on a Si-Au-Fe heterobimetallic.  Congratulations all!

07/2021: Annette leaves the group after four exciting and extraordinary productive years to work as a consultant for EPEA in beautiful Hamburg.  Our heartiest congratulations!  It has been a privilege and honor working with you! We wish you only the best, happiness and - of course - all success with making our industry/economy more efficient & sustainable!

06/2021: MD presents @Anorganisches Seminar in Stuttgart.  Happy to eventually having had a talk with W. Kaim, whose work has been quite influential on our interests.  Also many thanks to Bipro Sarkar for the invite and Mark Ringenberg for the organization.  See you soon!

06/2021: MD presents about our palladium chemistry and some of our work on radicals in the Organic Seminar @SFB848 in Münster.  Thank you for having me, thanks for exciting talks, thanks Manuel for the invite, see you (hopefully) soon again in person.

06/2021: Dajana starts her Master thesis and will try to find novel N-atom transfer reactions.  We are extraordinary happy (and fortunate!) to have you join the group & wish you all the best!

06/2021: MD (eventually) presents his habilitation lecture @FAU.  Happy to be allowed to put the work of the last 4 years together in the appropriate context!

05/2021: Our concept article on vicinal zwitterions for single-atom transfer, bond activation, switching and sensing, and (of course) photochemistry eventually appeared with Nature Rev. Chem.  A lot of ideas to materialize in the next years (decades?).

05/2021: Non-covalent interactions: Juli's & Pier's lead(II) toluene complex has been accepted for publication in the NHC special issue of Mendeleev Communications organized by V. P. Ananikov.  Congratulations to the authors, thanks for the invite!

04/2021: MD presents Annette's work @LIKAT in Rostock.  Thank you for having me, thanks for very helpful suggestions!

04/2021:  We welcome Anjana to the lab.  Anjana is fascinated by (formally) multiple bonded complexes.  We are very happy to have you here & wish you a happy & productive time!

04/2021: Pier accepted a position with novaled, developing for us the next generation of OLEDs & organic electronic materials.  Our heartiest congratulations for this great achievement! 

04/2021:  Pier's manuscript on bright luminescent s-block (sic!) complexes has been accepted in Chemical Science.  Our congrats for thought-provoking work in collaboration with the Guldi group in Erlangen & the Hohloch lab in Innsbruck.

04/2021:  Mao's paper on a cobalt(IV) imido (nitrene?) with a truly remarkabel electronic structure is accepted in ACIE. 

03/2021: Dominik presents online @ Katalytikertagung Weimar (10 min after firealarm, in lobby of next building).  Insightful meeting, truly exciting talk with prior intense adrenalin rush.

03/2021: Nicola, like Pier from Università di Padova (coincidence?), joins the group to finish his master thesis together with Andrea Biffis in organometallic chemistry.  Welcome!  We wish you a splendid time in Saarbruecken.

03/2021: Pier leaves the group to get into "real business".  It was great having you, we will miss you.  We wish you all the best in the future and that all your dreams will come true!!!

02/2021: Dominik presents some of our recent work @MichiganStateUniversity.  Grateful for inspiring conversations!

02/2021: Cedric Kloos joins the team for research on low-coordinate- and -covalent organometallics.  We are happy to have you with us and are impressed by your motivation!

02/2021: Our joint work with Sadig Aghazada (Karsten Meyer @FAU) on a transient CN2 ligand attached to cobalt has been accepted in ACIE.  Congratulations Sadig, excellent work, even without trapping the CN2!

02/2021: We welcome Manoj and Quentin to the group!  We are very happy to have you here and excited about the future.  Wishing you "magic" hands in the laboratory getting these crystals!

12/2020: Our joint review with the Guldi group @FAU Erlangen on unconventional Singlet Fission molecules is accepted in Chem. Soc. Rev.. Stay tuned for a long and truly exciting read.

11/2020: Dajana and Philipp start with their "Vertiefungspraktikum" on multiple bonded transition metal complexes and trying to rethink Wanzlick's equilibrium.  Welcome to the group, good luck & much fun!

11/2020: Pier's computational work on photochemistry with cumulenes and Möbius aromaticity is accepted in J. Phys. Chem. .  Our first contribution to a physical chemistry journal, dedicated to Josef Michl ("Josef Michl Festschrift"). Happy!

9/2020: We receive a Starting Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). What an achievement of the group! Dominik is overwhelmed and takes some time off to come down.

8/2020: The Bioinorganic aka Coordination Chemistry Praktikum starts.  Good job by Annette & Juli installing the boxes within only two days...

8/2020: Our brand-new gloveboxes from MBraun finally arrive and work perfectly. In love...

8/2020: Annette's work on water splitting is accepted in ACIE.  Time to celebrate.

7/2020: Munz group arrives @Saarland.  We are impressed by the friendliness of people here - will take some time to get used to ;)

7/2020: Munz group goes online @Saarland.  Excited & exciting times ahead!

Contact us:

Prof. Dr. Dominik Munz
Inorganic Chemistry: Coordination Chemistry
Tel.: +49 (0)681 302 2970     E-Mail

Andrea Dumont 
Faculty Assistant
Tel.: +49 (0)681 302 2715     E-Mail

Social Media:




Saarland University
Inorganic Chemistry: Coordination Chemistry
Campus C4 1, Room 3.02
D-66123 Saarbrücken, Germany

Itinerary & Sites
Anfahrt und Lagepläne

PharmaScienceHub @UdS and @HIPS: