Mal­ouf, David

About David Malouf

Biography (Poetry International Archives)



Hassan, Ihab. "Review of Australia Ascending." Antioch Review, vol. 72, no. 2, 2014

Holland, Tom. "Ransom by David Malouf." The Guardian, 19 Dec. 2009

Scott, Anna. "Review of Every Move You Make." The Guardian, 7 Jan. 2007



Brennan, Michael. "Interview with David Malouf." Poetry International Web, 1 Jul. 2011

Rooney, Brigid. "Interview with David Malouf." Australian Literary Studies, vol. 25, no. 1, 2010

Levasseur, Jennifer, and Kevin Rabalais. "Public Dreaming." Kenyon Review, vol. 24, no. 3-4, 2002

Koval, Ramona. "Dream Stuff." ABC, 5 Jan. 2001



Driesen, Cynthia Vanden. "Rewriting Europe: Carey's Jack Maggs and Malouf's Remembering Babylon." A Sea for Encounters: Essays Towards a Postcolonial Commonwealth, Barthat (ed.), 2009

Heinke, Jörg. "The Resistance to Being (Em)Braced: Peter Carey's Jack Maggs and David Malouf's Johnno." Embracing the Other: Addressing Xenophobia in the New Literatures in English, Mohr (ed.), 2008



Autobiography/Life Writing

A First Place (2014)

12 Edmondstone Street (1985)



Ransom (2009)

Conversations at Curlow Creek (1996)

Remembering Babylon (1993)

The Great World (1990)

Harland's Half Acre (1984)

Fly Away Peter (1982)

The Child's Play (1982)

An Imaginary Life (1978)

Johnno (1975)

Gesture of a Hand (1975)


Short Story Collections

The Complete Stories (2007)

Every Move You Make (2006)

Dream Stuff (2000)

Untold Tales (1999)

Antipodes (1985)


Poetry Collections

Poems 1959 - 1989 (1992)

First Things Last (1980)

Poems 1975-76 (1976)

Neighbours in a Thicket (1974)

Bicycle and other Poems (1970)



Blood Relations (1988)


Essays/Articles/Non-Fiction/Short Stories

The Happy Life (2011)

On Experience (2008)

Made in England (2003)

A Spirit of Play (1998)

As editor with Katharine Brisbane and R. F. Brissenden: New Currents in Australian Writing (1978)


Audio and Audiovisual Material

David Malouf in Conversation with Radio Host Tom Tilley. ABC Education, 2015

David Malouf on Short Story Writing. ABC Education, 2015

David Malouf on His Work. YouTube, 27 Jan. 2015

David Malouf Speaks about His Man Booker International Prize Nomination. YouTube, 31 Mar. 2011