London 2009

Visiting a Transcultural Metropolis
15. January
Talk and Discussion: Roderick Matthews Doyle reads from his recent book on Indian History, followed by a discussion with Farrukh Dhondy about the historical significance of Mahatma Ghandhi.
16. January
Exhibition:Indian Highwaysat the Serpentine Gallery.
Screening: Omkara (Othello) at the Nehru Centre
17. January
Exhibition: Signs Taken for Wonders:Recent Art from India and Pakistanat the AICON Gallery
Drama: The Recognition of Sakuntala at the Union Theatre
18. January
Excursion through the Brick Lane area
Film: Slumdog Millionaire at Cineworld Haymarket
19. January
Exhibition:London Sugar and Slavery. Museum in Docklands