Serious Games

Serious Games is used as an umbrella term for a series of interrelated research events and workshops that focus on new uses of gaming technologies. A developing emphasis within the Transcultural Media Studies Project.


2010: Serious Games - Concept Development

  • Joint Lecture/Seminar (HBK/DFKI) incl. Serious Games
  • Concept Development Game 'Cold War' (HBK/Die Redner)


2009: Serious Games and New Approaches to Crisis Media

"How do we respond to the compassion fatigue among news audiences confronted with the ever-same images of crisis, with reports that follow all-too-etablished protocols of crisis coverage, and analyses that do little to encourage the development of alternative perspectives on conflict prevention? So-called serious games offer an opportunity to re-engage the question of crisis media. Developed by actors both inside and outside the traditional milieu of human rights media, serious uses of gaming technologies meant to solve real-world problems are relevant to those concerned about the role media can play in the analysis, coverage, and prevention of conflict."

  • Global Media Forum 2009: Panel on serious games and human rights media at the Global Media Forum 2009. Organized in cooperation with Julian Kuecklich (UK Press Association) and DW Innovation Projects
  • Audio of the Workshop (MP3)
  • FP7-Proposal 'Newsgames'


Context: Serious Games and Crisis Media

Serious Games: Toward a Definition

Crisis Media Trends: Information Aesthetics

Games as Human Rights Media

Games and Politics: Between Activism and Public Relations

Replaying History: Cold War Realisms

Games and Journalism: New Literacies, New Readers?

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