Dezember 2022
Dezember 2022
Our application for initial funding at the htw Saar on the topic of
"Development of hierarchicalporous polymer membranes by means of a low‐temperature process"
was approved. The project marks the start of a new cooperation in the field of membrane technology between the Chair in Polymer Chemistry at the UdS and the Institute of Physical Process Engineering at the htw. The aim of the new project is the development and characterization of porous membranes in the ultrafiltration and microfiltration range from a low‐temperature manufacturing process that has received little attention to date. Manufacturing parameters are to be worked out in order to generate a hierarchical porous membrane structure. Subsequently, the membranes are to be used in filtration. The optimally adjusted structures should finally lead to a very low pressure loss at high flux during filtration. This should reduce the necessary pump energy and, in turn, increase the filtration efficiency.