The Center for Human and Molecular Biology links the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology and the Faculty of Medicine at Saarland University and supports and coordinates research and interfaculty study programmes in the biosciences.


Events calendar and announcements


Symposium: Molekular- und Zellbiologie

04. und 05. Juli 2024, jeweils 9-11.30 Uhr

Ort: Campus Saarbrücken, Gebäude A4.3, Seminarraum 0.01


9:00 - 9:30
Dr. Andreas Mayer, Max-Planck-Institut für Molekulare Genetik, Berlin
Uncovering mechanisms of gene expression regulation and dysregulation using multi-omics and cell engineering

9:35 - 10:05
Dr. Christina Ising, CECAD Research Center, Universitätsklinikum Köln
The NLRP3 inflammasome at the center of neuroinflammation in tauopathies

10:10 - 10:40
Dr. Sjoerd van Wijk, InsFtut für Experimentelle Tumorforschung in der Pädiatrie, Kinderkrebsstiftung Frankfurt
Novel functions of ubiquitination and autophagy in controlling cell survival during infection, inflammation and cancer

10:45 - 11:15
Prof. Dr. Thekla Cordes, BRICS, Technische Universität Braunschweig

9:00 - 9:30
Dr. Georg Borner, Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Martinsried
A Proteomic Microscope for disease mechanism discovery

9:35 - 10:05
Dr. Constantinos Demetriades, Max-Planck-Institut für Biologie des Alterns, Köln
Metabolic and Nutrient Signaling at the center of Everything

10:10 - 10:40
Prof. Dr. Francesca Bottanelli, Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Freie Universität Berlin
Unravelling the inner secrets of cells with live-cell super-resolution microscopy

10:45 - 11:15
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Kathrin Ulrich, Institut für Biochemie, Universität Köln
Redox-regulated proteostasis control in cell stress responses and ageing