Advisory services

Advisory services

Advising academic staff is a core part of our daily work and a very important matter for us. Every month we advise colleagues on matters such as employment contract issues, act as mediators and provide assistance with any conflicts. You are welcome to contact us with your questions (also in English). Your enquiry and interests are in safe hands with us. Our advisory services are subject to confidentiality and we will only take action at your explicit request.
To use our advisory services, please make an appointment by phone or send us an e-mail. You are also welcome to visit us during our office hours.

Saarbrücken campus

Building B6 5

Office hours:

Mon: 8.00 am - 12.00 pm
Tues: 8.00 am - 12.00 pm
Wed: --------------------
Thurs: 8.00 am - 12.00 pm
Fri: --------------------

and by appointment.

Please check any notices posted on our office door.
Please register in advance by telephone.


Homburg campus

Joint office of the Staff Councils of Saarland University Building 74, 1st floor (left entrance)
Office hours: Wednesday, 9-12.00 and by appointment.
We kindly ask you to register by telephone with our office on Tel. 0681 302-2403 or Tel. 0171/3348246.