Orientations Erasmus

Orientation events for Erasmus students

You can find the orienation events for Erasmus students here. If not explicitly stated otherwise, the sessions will be offered as online events in Microsoft Teams.
Please read the guide below carefully.  You can participate in the sessions without your own Microsoft-Teams account.
The link to each event will be available shortly before the start!

Guide "How to participate"

General orientation events for Erasmus students

Every semester we offer a special orientation event for new Erasmus students. We will introduce you to the administrative part of the program such as the Learning Agreement, Transcript of Records, confirmation documents, choice of courses and other important topics.

tba: Erasmus KA103 General Introduction (hybrid)
(for Erasmus students from the EU, Turkey, UK, Norway, Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia)

tba: Erasmus KA171 General Introduction (Mrs. Klüh's students)

Welcome Events: Studying and living in Saarbrücken

The Welcome Center offers orientation sessions for international students who start their studies at Saarland University. We highly recommend the participation for Erasmus students!

Click here for the events

Orientation sessions in the departments for Erasmus students

Please attend the info session of your department as well as the info session of departments in which you like to take courses.

COMING SOON: info sessions by the departments
Your area of studies is not listed? Please get in touch with the departmental coordinator.



FAQ Welcome Week

How can I participate in the online introductions?

By opening the link you can participate as guest from any computer. You do not need your own account. Please find instructions above!


Do I have to visit all the introductions?

Only participating in the "General Introduction for Erasmus Students" is mandatory for all Erasmus students. We will discuss topics that are very important for your Erasmus semester at Saarland University.  Furthermore you should attend the introduction of your study program. Please keep in mind that all introduction sessions offered are specifically tailored for new students. So you do not miss the opportunity to receive important information and ask questions. 

I can't participate in the introduction. What can I do?

If the introduction is mandatory, please contact us: erasmus@io.uni-saarland.de. If it is one of the recommended sessions, you don't have to do anything.

My study program does not offer an introduction.

Not all study programs offer introduction sessions! Please contact your departmental coordinator and ask your questions. If you intend to take courses from other departments, we also recommend to participate in those introductions as well. 

Do I have to participate in my study programs introduction?

We highly recommend to participate in the introduction of your study program. You will learn about chosing courses, exams and lectures. If you cannot participate, please contact your departmental coordinator.

Are all the introductions online?

Most of our introductions are offered online in MS Teams. Please find in the website above a guide about using MS Teams. If an introduction takes place on campus, we have linked the location and map for you.


Can I participate in the introductions of another study program?

You are welcome to join the introduction of other study programs you are interested in. For example: You are admitted in Language Science but you also want to take courses in the English department, you can participate in this session as well.