Workshop "Advanced Topics in Preregistration"
In psychological research, preregistration is widely encouraged as part of a transparent and rigorous research process. Numerous tutorials, introductory papers and templates are available to support (early career) researchers in taking their first steps towards preregistering empirical studies. However, as usual, the devil is in the detail, and many practical problems are not covered by introductory tutorials, for example: What is the right degree of detail? What to do if my study doesn’t follow the standard experimental approach? What to do if the planned analyses are complex? How to deal with deviations from preregistered plans? In this hands-on preregistration workshop, we will discuss these and other questions surrounding practical problems of preregistration. Participants are encouraged to contribute their own questions and expertise.
Prerequisites: Participants should have a basic knowledge of the preregistration process. Having worked on a preregistration is an advantage, but not required. Specific questions can be sent to the trainer in advance of the workshop by email to angelika.m.stefan [at]
Date: June 16, 2023, 09:00-17:00
Venue: Room "Gerstner" in the ground floor of Science Park 2 (building D1 2)

Dr. Angelika Stefan is a postdoctoral researcher at the chair of Computational Modeling in Psychology at LMU Munich working at the intersection of cognitive psychology and psychological methods. As an Open Science advocate, she has been involved in meta-scientific research and has offered workshops on a broad range of topics surrounding research transparency and statistics. Currently, she is also the co-chair of the Open Science Initiative Psychology at LMU.