Internationalization fund

Saarland University is evolving into a multilingual university with strong ties across Europe and throughout the world. This process is being driven by the commitment of those who see internationality as a core component of their day-to-day work and who foster and support the further internationalization of the university through their international teaching and research activities and through innovative transnational projects and services.

The Internationalization Fund has been created by Saarland University as an instrument to encourage and support these internationalization initiatives. The Senate's Internationalization Committee, which is chaired by the Vice-President for Internationalization and European Relations, can provide funding for internationalization projects in three main funding categories. Have you got questions or need advice? Get in touch here.

To be eligible for funding, projects must be in line with Saarland University's internationalization objectives (currently available in German only).

Guidelines on the use of funding from the Internationalization Fund of Saarland University

The funding opportunities for the Internationalization Fund were presented at a “BiBo” event on the 6th of June 2024. You can find more information below (Documents are only available in German):

Applications can be submitted in German, French or English. If you wish to submit an application in French or English, please enclose an abstract in German with your application (max. length: 2000 characters incl. spaces). The abstract should include a brief description of the proposed project and should outline how your project will contribute to achieving the university's internationalization objectives.


Responsible for page content

Sonja Karb-Ressing
Campus A4 4, Raum 2.34
66123 Saarbrücken
Tel.: +49 681 302-3316