About Us

The Department of Computer Science at Saarland University regularly achieves top positions in university rankings such as the CHE Ranking, or the computer science-specific CS Rankings. In its more than 50-year history it has distinguished itself many times by its excellence in research and teaching. With a current total of 36 university professors and 17* study programs at the highest international level, all aspects of computer science are covered. The Computer Science department is also part of the Saarland Informatics Campus (SIC).


    • Dean's Office and Committees

      In the following list you will find the current Dean and the Dean of Studies, the Faculty Council, the Senate Representative, and the Examination Committees for the Bachelor and Master of Computer Science, the Master of Visual Computing, and the Bachelor and Master of Computer and Communications Technology, as well as the PhD Committee.

      more Dean's Office and Committees
    • Examination Office

      Here you will find all study and examination regulations, forms, guidelines, the contact persons for "your" study program and the latest information on examination dates and registration procedures.

      more Examination Office



Förderprojekt: Internationale Studierende qualifizieren und in hiesigen Arbeitsmarkt integrieren

Wie kann dem Fachkräftemangel in technischen Berufen und der IT-Branche begegnet werden? Zum Beispiel durch internationale Studierende, die an der Universität des Saarlandes und der htw saar in den MINT-Fächern ausgebildet werden und im Anschluss in den hiesigen Arbeitsmarkt integriert werden. Damit dies künftig noch besser gelingt, fördert der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst beide saarländischen Hochschulen im Gemeinschaftsprojekt „QUAZAR“ mit insgesamt 1,15 Millionen Euro über vier Jahre. [...]


Lange Nacht der Industrie: Noch bis 16. März für Firmenbesuche bewerben

Am Dienstag, 25. März findet im Saarland die "Lange Nacht der Industrie" statt. Bei kostenlosen Firmenbesuchen haben Studierende die Gelegenheit, die Vielfalt der saarländischen Industrie kennenzulernen. Für die Touren mit ein bis zwei Firmenbesuchen kann man sich noch bis zum 16. März anmelden. Die kostenlose Busse starten am 25. März um 16:30 Uhr am unteren Schlossplatz in Saarbrücken. [...]


Nachwuchskonferenz über KI-Einsatz in der Strafverfolgung und den Schutz der Privatsphäre

VR-Brillen, Gesichtserkennung, KI-basierte Chat- oder Grenzkontrollen – in der Strafverfolgung kommt immer mehr KI zum Einsatz. Die Maßnahmen greifen nicht nur in die Privatsphäre der Beschuldigten ein. Auch Unbeteiligte geraten ins Visier. 26 internationale Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und-wissenschaftler aus Recht und Informatik kommen in einer zweiteiligen Konferenz in Saarbrücken und Straßburg zusammen, um mit Experten den Stand der Technik und den Schutz der Privatsphäre zu diskutieren. [...]


Bevorzugte Twitter die Tweets rechter Politiker? Internationale Studie dazu endet unfreiwillig 2023

Der Wissenschaft bieten soziale Netzwerke einen reichen Datenfundus. So hat eine Forschergruppe der Universität des Saarlandes die Twitter-Konten von rund 8600 Politikern in zwölf Ländern ausgewertet. Das Team um Humboldt-Professor Ingmar Weber ging der Frage nach, ob Twitter zwischen 2021 und 2023 die Tweets von Politikern aus dem rechten Spektrum bevorzugt hat. Die Antwort für diesen Zeitraum lautet knapp: Nein. Im Juni 2023 sperrte Elon Musk dann den kostenlosen Datenzugang für die Forschung. [...]


Fachwelt diskutiert in Saarbrücken die Zukunft der Mathematikdidaktik

Vor 50 Jahren wurde in Saarbrücken die Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik (GDM) gegründet. Zum Jubiläum kehrt die Jahrestagung der GDM vom 3. bis 7. März ins Saarland zurück: Die Mathematikdidaktik-Professoren Melanie Platz und Anselm Lambert laden Fachleute zum Austausch über Entwicklungen und Forschungsergebnisse rund um das Lehren und Lernen ein. Rund 700 Wissenschaftlerinnen, Wissenschaftler, Lehrkräfte sowie Erzieherinnen und Erzieher werden zur deutschsprachigen Tagung erwartet. [...]

Degree Programs

The range of study programs offered by Saarland University in the field of informatics is extremely diverse – whether computer science, bioinformatics, or cybersecurity, bachelor or master, in a total of 17* courses of study, the Department of Computer Science at Saarland University imparts comprehensive knowledge of the theoretical foundations as well as practically oriented applications, up to and including starting a business. The courses are taught by internationally renowned luminaries of computer science as well as by the most talented young researchers.

Bachelor's degrees:

Master's degrees:

State examination:

International Bachelor Pograms:

Study programs offered in cooperation*: 

*In cooperation with the Departments of Mathematics and of Language Science and Technology, as well as the other non-university informatics institutes located on campus, the Department, as a partner of the Saarland Informatics Campus, offers 24 study programs.


Study Guidance and Student Representatives

If you have any questions about the computer science degree programmes at UdS, our study coordination will be happy to help you.

Study Coordination

Building E1 3, Rooms 207-209
Tel.: +49 (0)681 302-58092


Do you have questions that are better answered from a student's perspective? Please feel free to contact the Students' Representative Council.

Computer Science Students' Representative Council

Building E1.3, Room 109
Tel.: +49 (0)681 302-4389


Studies and Practice

To help our students to get in contact with the practice, there are for example talks of our graduates, where one may directly contact them: Saarbrücken computer scientists in the practice.

Saarland University’s Career Center is the central service unit for any for any questions students may have regarding job applications and career entry. In our career portal, students can find internship and work placement opportunities, as well as entry-level or graduate job opportunities.

The big annual job fair 'next' allows students and companies or recruiters to exchange ideas and to connect in a relaxed atmosphere. In addition, each semester the Career Center organizes a wide range of events and workshops  in cooperation with companies and other partners in order to help you find your way in the labour market.

The Career Center offers one-to-one career guidance appointments, especially for international students who want to prepare for the German job market.

All services offered by the Career Center are free of charge.

For more information, please visit the Career Center website.


The Department of Computer Science at Saarland University does research at the highest international level. Among the 59 professors are recipients of the Leibniz Prize of the German Research Foundation, the Zuse Medal of the German Computer Science Society, grants from the European Research Council, and many other awards. Saarbrücken Informatics' doctoral candidates regularly present their research results at the most renowned international symposia in their areas. A complete list of award winners can be found here.

    • Doctoral Program

      The PhD program of the Department of Computer Science at Saarland University offers, along with the best research conditions and good pay, an outstanding supervisory relationship. Support offers such as the funding program of the Computer Science Department and the Graduate School of Computer Science help young scientists to make the most of their potential.

      more Doctoral Program
    • Research Fields

      Around 30 research themes are explored by the scientists of the Saarland Informatics Campus (SIC) – from theoretical computer science, formal methods, algorithms and complexity, through artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computational linguistics, to embedded systems and language processing.

      more Research Fields

The Saarland Informatics Campus

At the SIC the activities of all informatics facilities co-located at Saarbrücken converge. Its 1000 scientists and around 2800 students from more than 81 countries make the Saarland Informatics Campus (SIC) one of the leading locations for informatics in Germany and in Europe. Five globally renowned research institutes, namely the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, the Center for Bioinformatics and the Cluster for “Multimodal Computing and Interaction,” in cooperation with the Departments of Computer Science, Mathematics, and Language Science and Technology at Saarland University, cover the entire spectrum of informatics in 24 courses of study.