
What's on – Summer semester 2024

Every semester, we run a series of talks and workshops designed to assist with the job application and recruitment process, help you land that dream job or give your career a boost. We invite speakers from well-known companies. IN the past, we've had talks and presentations by HR specialists from SAP SE, PwC, DHC Consulting Group, and Scheer GmbH.

Why wait any longer? Take a look at the events on offer, choose your favourites and sign up today!

Events in German

04.06.2024 Messevorbereitung

Am 11. Juni findet unsere beliebte Karrieremesse next endlich wieder statt! Damit du sowohl gut für die Messe vorbereitet bist als auch die Messe zur Vorbereitung auf spätere Bewerbungsprozesse nutzen kannst, decken wir wieder alle Themen rund um die Bewerbung ab:

  •  Do’s und Don’ts bei der Bewerbung, insbesondere dem Lebenslauf
  •  Vorstellungsgespräche und Kurzinterviews
  •  Vorbereitung und Nachbereitung einer Karrieremesse

Datum: 04.06.2024, 16:15 - 17:45 Uhr
Ort: Starterzentrum Universität des Saarlandes, A1 1
Referentin: Laura Nobis (Scheer)


14.05.2024 Career Day: ponturo consulting AG

Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung hat einen tiefgreifenden Einfluss auf sämtliche Aspekte der heutigen Wirtschaft. In nahezu allen Branchen und Geschäftsbereichen ermöglicht die Integration digitaler Technologien Effizienzsteigerung sowie die Entwicklung innovativer Produkte und Dienstleistungen.


Der verstärkte Einsatz von Technologien wie künstlicher Intelligenz ermöglicht es, Geschäftsprozesse zu optimieren, Daten effektiver zu nutzen und fundierte Entscheidungen auf der Grundlage von Echtzeitinformationen zu treffen. Durch die Integration von Software-Robotern können Unternehmen zeitintensive, wiederkehrende und fehleranfällige manuelle Prozesse automatisieren. Wir von Innovation Lab der ponturo consulting AG möchten Euch eine dieser Technologien, die Robotic Process Automation (RPA), näherbringen.

In unserem Workshop „Low Code-basierte Modellierung einer Robotic-Process-Automation Bots“ am 12. Mai habt Ihr die Möglichkeit, interaktiv einen RPA-Bot zu entwickeln. Die Case Study richtet sich an Studierende der Wirtschafts- und Naturwissenschaften, die gerne einen Einblick in die neuesten Technologien erhalten möchten. Das gute dabei: Programmiervorkenntnisse sind hierfür nicht erforderlich. Wir: Amin, Franziska, Felix und Matthias geben zu Beginn eine kurze Einführung und werden mit Euch den Bot über vordefinierte Aktivitäten erstellen. Inhaltlich bezieht sich der Use Case auf Themen aus dem Bankenumfeld.

Die ponturo consulting AG ist ein wachsendes IT-Beratungsunternehmen, dass die großen deutschen und internationalen Banken und Versicherungen bei der Konzeption und Umsetzung zukunftsträchtiger IT-Strategien unterstützt. Das ponturo-Innovation Lab beschäftigt sich mit den Einsatzmöglichkeiten neuer Technologien, wie KI, RPA und Blockchain. Mehr Information unter:

Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, für Verpflegung ist gesorgt. Bitte eigenen Laptop mitbringen.

Datum: 14.05.2024, 15:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Ort: Starterzentrum Universität des Saarlandes, A1 1
Referent*innen: Amin Ali, Franziska Bülck, Felix Kreuziger, Matthias Stengel




24.05.2024 Infotag der Philosophischen Fakultät

Get to know your Career Center! Einblicke, Tipps und Networking für deine ultimative Bewerbungsstrategie.

Entdecke das Career Center der Universität des Saarlandes! Tauche ein in informative Einblicke, erhalte praktische Tipps und lerne, wertvolle Kontakte zu knüpfen – inklusive einer Networking-Möglichkeit mit eine*m*r Firmenvertreter*in aus dem geisteswissenschaftlichen Bereich! Erfahre bei dieser Veranstaltung alles Wichtige für deine optimale Bewerbungsstrategie und sei bestens vorbereitet auf den anstehenden Bewerbungsprozess. Sei dabei und gestalte deinen Weg zum Erfolg!

Datum: 24.05.2024, 15.00 - 16.30 Uhr
Ort: online, Link folgt
Referentin: Julia Bellmann (Career Center), Firmenvertreter*in aus geisteswissenschaftlichem Bereich TBA

In Kooperation mit: Studienbüro der Philosophischen Fakultät


28.05.2024 Money, Money, Money - die Gehaltsverhandlung

Was kann ich in meinem Job verdienen? - Oft hängt die Antwort vom eigenen Verhandlungstalent ab.

Bei uns lernst du was du brauchst, um erfolgreich aus deiner Gehaltsverhandlung zu gehen.

In Zusammenarbeit mit eine*r*m Firmenvertreter*in geben wir dir Tipps zur Vorbereitung, wir zeigen dir aber auch was realistische Vorstellungen sind und wie du das Thema richtig kommunizierst. Im Anschluss kannst du all deine Fragen in einer offenen Fragerunde klären.


Datum: 28.05.2024, 16.15 - 17.45 Uhr
Ort: Starterzentrum Universität des Saarlandes, A1 1
Referent: TBA


14.05.2024 Erfolgreich in die Praxis: Einzelcoaching Kick-Off

Im Kick-Off zum Einzelcoaching für internationale Studierende erhältst du einen Überblick über Bewerbungsunterlagen, Vorstellungsgespräche, Arbeitszeugnisse und die Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten des Career Centers.  Das darauffolgende Einzelcoaching ist ganz individuell mit ein bis drei Terminen oder auch nur einem Lebenslauf-Check per E-Mail buchbar, ganz wie gewünscht und gebraucht.  
Deine Fragen rund um das Thema Bewerbung sind herzlich willkommen. Cyra beantwortet sie dir alle!

Die Veranstaltung wird in Deutsch für Nicht-Muttersprachler*innen durchgeführt, Muttersprachler*innen sind aber natürlich ebenfalls willkommen.
Die Veranstaltung wird am 15.05.2024 unter dem Titel “Individual coaching Kick-Off session: Jump-start your career” auch auf Englisch durchgeführt.

Datum: 14.05.2024, 16:15-17:15 Uhr
Ort: Universität des Saarlandes, Gebäude A4 2, Raum 2.11.1 
Referentin: Cyra Sammtleben


Events in English

May 07 2024 Styling Your Own Success: a guide for your application!

What is the first thing recruiters look for in a written application? What are the no-gos that directly exclude your application documents from the application process? How can you make your documents interesting? These and other questions will be answered at the event by speaker Felix Adam.

Date: 07 May 2024, 4.15 p.m. - 5.45 p.m.
Place: Innovation Center Saarland University, Building A2 1
Speaker: Felix Adam (Mona AI)


May 15 2024 Individual coaching kick-off session: Jump-start your career

In the kick-off session for individual coaching for international students, you will receive an overview of application documents, job interviews, job references, and the support options offered by the Career Center.
The subsequent one-to-one coaching can be booked individually with one to three appointments or a CV check by email, as desired and needed.

The event will also be held in German on 14 May 2024. Its title is "Erfolgreich in die Praxis: Einzelcoaching Kickoff - DEUTSCH für Nicht-Muttersprachler*innen".

Date: May 15, 2024, 4.15 p.m. - 5.15 p.m.
Place: Saarland University, Building A4 2, Room 2.11.1
Speaker: Cyra Sammtleben 


May 16 2024 How to sell yourself: the job interview

Whether you have a job interview coming up or you just want to get some general information - this event will give you an insight into the interview process. Speaker Mathilde Ripet from the recruiting field at PwC will explain what companies actually want to know, what the recruiting process looks like from a company's point of view, and what tips and tricks you can use to present yourself in the best possible way.

Date: 16 May 2024, 4.15 p.m. - 5.45 p.m.
Place: Starterzentrum Saarland University, Building A1 1
Speaker: Mathilde Ripet (PwC)


May 23 2024 The Student Career Roadmap: Plot your path to success

Are you an international student at the beginning of your studies who would like to gain a foothold in the German labour market in the long term?
We've got you covered! We have developed a customisable support tool for you called the Student Career Roadmap.
It works as both a map and a checklist: The Student Career Roadmap allows you to create a series of interconnected milestones with the aim of integrating into your new society through the job you want.

Check out the checklist and the accompanying website:

The Student Career Roadmap

During this event, we will guide you through the tool and answer any questions you may have.

Date: May 23, 2024, 4.15 p.m. - 5.15 p.m.
Place: Online (Teams)
Speaker: Níkolas Gómez


May 29 2024 Launch your career in Germany: A guide for international students

Explore Your Prospects in Germany!
Are you an international student at Saarland University looking to establish yourself in Germany's job market? We offer valuable insights! Gain insights into the German legal framework, the German job market dynamics, and the language skills needed to thrive in Germany. Our experts will share valuable tips on how to improve your chances of a successful job application in Germany.

Date: May 29, 2024, 4.15 p.m. - 5.45 p.m.
Place: Saarland University, Building A4 2, Room 0.15
Speakers: Multiple


June 06 2024 Prepare for the fair

'' Prepare for the Fair '' is a workshop conducted in English that explores the essentials of job application procedures, with special attention to application processes and cultivating a professional image. The session offers advice on crafting effective CVs (participants are encouraged to share theirs in advance for personalized feedback) and navigating the realm of social media presence.

This preparation will empower you to maximize your opportunities at our upcoming job fair, slated for June 11th, among other advantages.

Date: 06 June 2024, 4.15 p.m. – 5.15 p.m.
Place: Starterzentrum Saarland University, Building A1 1
Speaker:  tba


June 25 2024 It's a match - Companies meet international students - Speeddating

Ready to accelerate your career? Join us as we bring students and companies together for an immersive speed dating workshop! 

Explore diverse opportunities, network with industry professionals and make meaningful connections that will drive your future! You'll have a few minutes with each company and, if you're interested, we'll arrange a second date for you.

 Date: 25 June 2024, 04:00 p.m. - 06.00 p.m.
 Place: Innovation Center A2 1, Saarland University
Speaker: Multiple


The Key Skills Programme

Would you like to improve your skills in leadership, communication, project management or other work-related fields? Take a look at Saarland University's key skills programme. You can have your participation in all our courses recognised there. 

Please note: The English version is based on the translation provided by


Registering for an event: FAQs

Can I register for several events?

You can register for as many events as you like. If you want to register for more than one event, simply access your shopping cart and click/tap on 'Add tickets for a different date'.

The event is already fully booked. Is there a waiting list?

We always try to make enough places available. If an event you're interested in is fully booked, you can add your name to the waiting list on the event registration page. If a place becomes available, you will automatically receive a message containing a registration code. The registration code will remain valid for 48 hours, after which the place will be offered to the next person on the waiting list.

Why am I seeing terms like 'ticket', 'order' and 'shopping cart' on the registration page?

Don't let that confuse you! We use a ticketing system similar to that used in the events industry, which is why some of the terms on the registration pages are similar to those found in online shops. But you don't have to pay anything! All our events and workshops are completely free of charge. The 'ticket' that you add to your 'shopping cart' is simply a means of confirming that you have registered for that event.

Why do I get redirected to a Centre for Lifelong Learning (ZelL) page when registering for some courses?

When you register for some courses, you are redirected to the ZelL website because some of the Career Centre's courses are run through the ZelL registration platform.  

Please note: The English version is based on the translation provided by 


I have been redirected to a page of the Centre for Lifelong Learning (ZelL). Where can I register for events?

Scroll down the ZelL page to see the event. You will find the registration form below the course description.   

If you do not already have an account on the Centre for Lifelong Learning platform, you will need to register first. Once you have registered, you will be able to register for other ZelL courses

Please note: The English version is based on the translation provided by

Something's come up and I won't be able to attend the event. Who should I notify?

We're sorry to hear you can't make it and we hope you can attend next time. If you know you won't be able to attend an event, please don't forget to let us know. Simply send an email to – even if it's at short notice. This will help us to keep track of who'll be attending the event and let's us offer the place to someone else.

I missed the event! When is it going to be held again?

Some of our events are offered every semester or every other semester, so it's worth checking the event calendar for next semester. If you sign up for our Newsletter, you'll receive regular notifications about upcoming events. And if you're interested in a particular event, it's worth sending an email to as some events have been recorded and we can provide access to them via MS Teams.

The Career Center newsletter

Subscribe to our newsletter to make sure you know what's on and you don't miss any events! And be sure to let us know if there are other topics you'd like us to add to the programme.

Previous events