Administrative Office and Study Coordination

Administrative Office

It all began with the Department of Computer Science at Saarland University and it is the core of the Saarland Informatics Campus.
The central administration of the department is concentrated in the office. It includes the managing director, the study coordination officer, the system administration officer and their staff.

For students and staff of the department of Informatics, the following tasks are particularly important, for which the office is responsible, among other things:

  • Room access for staff members (via email )
  • Room access for students (via form )
  • Renting out student lockers in building E1.3
  • Acceptance and forwarding of work contracts for research assistants and employees

Universität des Saarlandes
Saarland Informatics Campus
Geb. E1 7, Raum 1.05
66123 Saarbrücken



Mo und Do:    9:00 – 10:00 Uhr
und jederzeit nach Vereinbarung.

Erich Reindel

Managing Director, Department of Computer Science

Building E1 7, Room 1.23
Tel.: +49 681 302-58091


Natalia Weis

Secretary Department for Computer Science

Building E1 7, Room 1.05
Tel.: +49 681 302-58090


Study Coordination

The study coordination of Computer Science gives advice to students on study and examination issues:

  • choosing a degree programme and starting the studies
  • organizing the studies (e.g. questions regarding examination and study regulations, examination registration, change of degree programme, progress control, etc.)
  • problems during the studies (subject-related, personal or health-related)

and is the contact for

  • planning semesters abroad (Erasmus+)
  • the recognition of external study achievements

Office Hours

If you have any questions about the above topics, the study coordinators Rahel Stoike-Sy and Barbara Schulz-Brünken offer personal and confidential consultation hours online via Microsoft Teams and also offline on campus. You can easily book the appointments via the following link.

Book an appointment for a meeting

If your request is time-critical and needs to be addressed before the next office hour, please send an email to studium(at)

Further contact points

The Examinations Office can help you with the administration of your study achievements (certificates, examinations). You will also find your current examination and study regulations there.

Do you have questions that need to be answered from a students' perspective? Then you are welcome to contact the Computer Science Students' Representative Council.

If you have questions about degree programmes in other subjects, the Central Student Advisory Service will help you.

Dr. Rahel Stoike-Sy

Study Coordinator

Building E1 3, Room 209
+49 681 302-58092


Evelyn Kraska

Study Coordination Assistant

Building E1 3, Room 208
+49 681 302-6581


Jacqueline Pennekamp

Study Coordination Assistant

Building E1 3, Room 208
+49 681 302-70885



Study Coordination Assistant


Barbara Schulz-Brünken

Study Coordinator
Consulting ERASMUS+

Building E1 3, Room 207
+49 681 302-6582


Luis Lidon

Consulting ERASMUS+

Building E1 3, Room 207
+49 681 302-68609


Nicolas Erbach

Scientific Assistant Study Coordination

Building E1 3, Room 207


Ryhene Rais

Scientific Assistant Study Coordination

Building E1 3, Room 207


Room Schedules & Reservations

Current occupancy plans can be viewed  here.


Building E1 3:

  • Room 104
  • Room 103
  • Room 012

Building E2 4:

  • Room U008

Seminar rooms:

Building E1 1:

  • Room 106
  • Room 206

Building E1 3:

  • Room 014
  • Room 015
  • Room 016
  • Room 107

Building E1 7:

  • Room 0.08
  • Room 0.10

Lecture halls:

Building E1 3:

  • HS001
  • HS002
  • HS003

Building E2 2:

  •    Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal

Please send enquiries for the above rooms and lecture halls by email to studium(at)

Conference room:

Please send enquiries about booking conference room 407 in building E1 1 by e-mail to gz(at)


Technical Support

SIC IT Support

The IT support of the SIC takes care of the technical support of various applications in computer science and mathematics. Among other things, it looks after the lecture CMS and the seminar system of the SIC. Students are assigned a SIC account upon enrolment, with which they can use the various services of the department.

SIC IT Support

Rechnerbetriebsgruppe (RBG)

The computer operations group takes care of the network in the computer science buildings, operates e-mail, DNS and NTP servers, installs and maintains the computers in the student workroom (PC pool) in computer science and takes care of computer access and application programmes there.


Hochschul-IT-Zentrum (HIZ)

The HIZ manages the network and IT infrastructure campus-wide. They are responsible for the LSF, SIM, MS Teams and the student email inbox. In addition, the HIZ provides the eduroam WLAN network as well as the possibility for VPN access to the university network for students.
