Lehrveranstaltungen SS2025 / Courses SS2025
Here you can find ME courses of SS2025 t3://file?uid=497426t3://file?uid=497426.

Paper presentation at the 31st International Display Workshops
Our employee Ramazan Ayasli presents his paper High Resolution Mini LED Backlight for High Local Dimming Performance at the IDW in Sapporo, Japan, which takes place from 04.12. - 06.12.2024.
Furthermore, LME is co-author of the paper “Analysis of Halo Perception and its impact on setup requirements in the context of mask-free measurements” presented at the IDW (Ingo Rotscholl, Ramazan Ayasli, Maxim Schmidt, Kilian Kirchhoff, Tanja Thiele, Karlheinz Blankenbach, Chihao Xu, Donald Schaffer)
ME 3 exam
Please be informed that the ME3 examination for the winter semester 2024/2025 will take place on February 25, 2025. It will be an oral examination.
Vortrag Master-Seminar Rajon Bhuyan
am Mittwoch, den 09.10.2024 um 10:30 Uhr hält Rajon Bhuyan im Raum 0.27 seinen Master-Seminar-Vortrag zum Thema: “Measurement and analysis of light spread functions of an RGB backlit LCD using a spectrometer with a 2D positioning system."
Dazu sind alle Interessenten herzlich eingeladen.
Master-Kolloquium Maria Cirillo
am Donnerstag, den 10. Oktober 2024 um 17 Uhr hält Maria Rosa Cirillo im Raum 0.34 ihr Master-Kolloquium zum Thema: “Ein Farbmodell zur Beschreibung der Wechselwirkung von spektraler Backlightzusammensetzung und LC-Panel”.
Dazu sind alle Interessenten herzlich eingeladen.
Lehrveranstaltungen Mikroelektronik Wintersemester 2024/2025
Hier finden Sie die Termine der Vorlesungen des Wintersemesters 2024/2025 von ME1 und ME3.
Oktober 2024: Relaunch unserer Webseite auf Typo3 um der CI der Universität des Saarlandes gerecht zu werden
Electronic Displays Conference in Nürnberg
At the Electronic Displays Conference in Nuremberg on April 11th, our employee Julian Ritter gave a presentation on the topic: “Design and validation of a mixed analog and digital control method for high-resolution active-matrix micro-LED displays”.
LME Paper at Displayweek 2024
LME will contribute the following paper to this year's Display Week (May 2024 in San Jose, USA) "Modeling of LCD Reflection Characteristics and Simulation Method of LC-displayed Images under Daylight Conditions", written by Ramazan Ayasli, Chihao Xu, Maxim Schmidt and Maria Rosa Cirillo