Chair for Genetics and Epigenetics

Our research group focuses on the investigation of epigenetic phenomena associated with development and disease. The following research areas are of particular interest: Characterization and functional analysis of imprinted genes, Epigenetic mapping of genomes (Epigenomics), Research into epigenetic programs in stem cells, Evolution of epigenetic mechanisms. We use and develop state-of-the-art molecular methods and bioinformatic data analysis pipelines and we produce large molecular data sets in our own Sequencing Facility. As coodinator of the German Epigenome Program we significantly contributed to the first epigenetic atlas of all human cell types. We are member of the International Human Epigenome Consortium.




NOW AVAILABLE !!! The new genome sequencer AvitiTM by Element Biosc. in our Epigenomics Sequencing Facility !

We are pleased to announce that the AvitiTM platform (Element Biosc.) is now ready to use for internal and external users.

Please find more information about the AvitiTM and NGS applications on our Epigenomics Sequencing Facility web site.


Webinar on Biological Data Visualisation

In the upcoming webinar "Biological Data Visualisation in R and Bioconductor", Zuguang Gu, bioinformatician and R package developer at the DKFZ Heidelberg, will introduce advanced techniques for visualising biological and omics datasets using R and Bioconductor. Packages covered include ComplexHeatmap, EnrichedHeatmap, InteractiveComplexHeatmap, circlize, spiralize, and HilbertCurve, demonstrating both basic and advanced features with real-world examples.

The webinar will take place on 18 July 2024, 14:00 CEST (available afterwards on demand) and is part of a training series by the German Human Genome-Phenome Archive (GHGA).

Please find more information here.


RNA in Focus: Podcast Episode with Prof. Martin Simon

In a recent episode of the science podcast "Der Code des Lebens" available only in German) published by the German Human Genome-Phenome Archive (GHGA), Prof. Martin Simon (University of Wuppertal) delves deep into the world of RNA. He explains the differences between RNA and DNA and explores the various types of RNA and their functions.

The podcast and further information are available here.