
The preparation and analysis of suitable nanoparticles requires the development of new continuous synthesis routes for nanomaterials. The over-surface functionalization of nanoparticles plays an important role in the application.


Current projects


Colloidal characterization of particles of steel

The outstanding mechanical properties as well as the exceptionally good weldability of low-alloy steels is due to carbonitride nanoparticles generated in the steels during production.

In cooperation with Dillinger Hütte, a steel producer in Saarland, we are investigating the chemical composition, morphology and size distribution of the particles present in the steel.  Particle characterization is performed using methods that we have developed for colloids. These statistically relevant methods have so far been little used in metallography.


Prof. Dr. Tobias Kraus
Tel.: +49 681 9300-389


 Research Webpage:


Secretary's office

Gabriele Koster
Tel.: +49 681 9300-274