Elections of boards and committees
Results of the 2024 elections of group representatives 2024
The group elections will take place at Saarland University from 18 to 20 June 2024. The following collegial bodies of the UdS will be newly elected:
- Senate
- Faculty Councils of the HW, MI, NT, P and R faculties
- Divisional Council for Theoretical Medicine and Biosciences
- Divisional Council for Clinical Medicine
- Advisory Board for Women's Issues
In-person voting dates:
- Tuesday, 18 June 2024, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Polling station on the Homburg campus (foyer of lecture theatre complex (building 35)) - Wednesday and Thursday, 19–20 June 2024, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Polling stations on the Saarbrücken campus ('Aula' assembly hall (building A3 3) and at the Meerwiesertalweg site (Block 8, Level 0, Room 0.12)
Online voting dates:
- Tuesday, 18 June 2024, 10 a.m. to Thursday, 20 June 2024, 4 p.m.
Postal voting dates:
- Applications for a postal vote may be submitted from 10 May until 11 June 2024.
- Postal ballot papers will be sent out from 1 June 2024.
- Completed postal ballot papers must have been received no later than 2 p.m. on 20 June 2024.
Announcement regarding the 2024 election of group representatives
Official election notice for the 2024 group primary elections, containing all information on the dates, the electoral system and voting rights.
Electoral roll finalised
The electoral roll has been closed since 13 May 2024. The election management decided on all objections received by the end of the objection period on 6 May 2024 after hearing the election committee on 8 May 2024. The persons concerned were notified.
Information on the entry in the electoral roll can still be obtained from the electoral administration (wahlbuero(at)univw.uni-saarland.de or 0681 302 2599).
Information on the electoral roll and changes
You can obtain information about your entry in the electoral roll and therefore your eligibility to vote from the electoral administration, the offices of the deaneries, the Equal Opportunities Office and the AStA. Ideally, you should contact the electoral administration directly by e-mail or telephone (0681 302 2599).
You have until 6 May 2024 to lodge an objection to the electoral roll. Please use the form below if your entry in the electoral roll is missing or you believe it is incorrect:
Vorlage zum Einspruch gegen das Wählerverzeichnis
Students on inter-faculty degree programmes can also apply to change their faculty assignment by the above-mentioned deadline. Please use the following form for this purpose:
Antrag zur Änderung der Fakultätszuordnung für Studierende
Rules for the group elections (election rules)
Election regulations of Saarland University Version dated 6 December 2023 (German)