Functional Epigenomics Conference

Date: May 27 (9 am) - May 28 (4 pm), 2024
Location: Bld. A3.3 (Aula), Saarland University, Saarbrücken

The Functional Epigenomics Conference 2024 is dedicated to integrating basic epigenetic mechanisms, computational epigenomics and clinical research. We are excited that world leading experts are joining us to present and discuss their latest results in a two-day comprehensive program.

The conference is open to all interested audiences. Building on a series of workshops and conferences that our labs organized in Saarland over the past decade, it would be a pleasure to also welcome back familiar faces who have been part of our previous events.

We particularly encourage students and postdocs to join us and present their work on posters and in selected short talks. Registration is closed. Please find further details below.

Event Details


The conference program includes:

  • Invited talks
  • Selected short talks
  • Poster sessions
  • Panel discussion

Session topics:

  • Epigenetic mechanisms
  • Computational epigenomics and functional interpretation
  • Healthy aging and disease


Detailed program

Confirmed Speakers

Dalia Barsyte-Lovejoy (University of Toronto, CA)
Christoph Bock (CeMM Research Center for Mol. Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, AT)
Thomas Carell (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), DE)
Maria Colomé-Tatché (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), DE)
Petra Hajkova (MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London, UK)
Martin Hirst (University of British Columbia, CA)
Steve Horvath (Altos Labs San Diego institute of Science, US)
Michael Kobor (University of British Columbia, CA)
Alexander Meissner (Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, DE)
Julia Polansky (German Rheumatism Research Centre (DRFZ), Charité Berlin, DE)
Anjana Rao (La Jolla Institute for Immunology, University of California, US)
Wolf Reik (Altos Labs Cambridge Institute of Science, UK)
Philip Rosenstiel (Kiel University, DE)
Joachim Schultze (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Bonn University)
Marcel Schulz (Goethe University Frankfurt, DE)
Oliver Stegle (German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), European Mol. Biology Lab (EMBL), DE)
Azim Surani (University of Cambridge, UK)
Amos Tanay (Weizmann Institute of Science, IL)
Jasmin Taubenschmid-Stowers (Altos Labs Cambridge Institute of Science, UK)
Guoliang Xu (Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, Chin. Academy of Sciences, CN)



Registration Details and Call for Abstracts

The conference (limited to 180 participants) is open to all interested parties and free of charge, but registration is mandatory.

We invite participants to submit abstracts for a poster and/or short talk presentation (5 minutes) to share their research and contribute to the meeting. Early career researchers are especially encouraged to present their work.

Registration deadline: 01.05.2024
Deadline for abstract submission: 01.05.2024

Registration is now closed. If you would like to sign up to the waiting list, please contact Dr. Nina Gasparoni.
Participants will be notified by 10.05.2024 whether they have been selected for a poster or short talk. 



Further Information

Long distance travel Information

The conference will take place in Saarbrücken, Germany. For traveling to Saarbrücken we recommend the following options:

  • By train: Arrival at Saarbrücken main station
    • From Paris Est (e.g. when using the EUROSTAR from UK to Paris Nord 10 min walk to Paris Est) it is only a 2h train ride directly to Saarbrücken
  • By Plane: Consider flying into the following airports, with approximate travel times to the conference location:
    • Frankfurt (2,5 hours from the meeting location).
    • Luxembourg (1 hour from the meeting location).
    • Saarbrücken regional airport (20 minutes from the meeting location).



Location and local travel information

The conference will be held at Saarland University, Aula, Campus A3 3, 66123, Saarbrücken.

For local transportation within Saarbrücken, you can access the Saarbrücken public transport via this link. Direct Bus lines from the train station to the university (10-15 min)  include #102, #112, and #124.

Further information on directions and transportation options to the campus can be found here.




Saarbrücken offers a range of accommodation options including youth hostels and well-known hotel chains. For detailed information and a wider selection of accommodation options in the Saarbrücken area, please visit this link, provided by the Tourist Information Saarbrücken.

Here are some of the available options:

Motel One Saarbrücken
Premier Inn Saarbrücken City Centre
B&B Hotel Saarbrücken Hbf
InterCity Hotel Saarbrücken
Europa-Jugendherberge Saarbrücken (Youth hostel Saarbrücken)




Jörn Walter (Genetics/ Epigenetics, Saarland University)

Julia Schulze-Hentrich (Genetics/ Epigenetics, Saarland University)

Fabian Müller (Integrative Cellular Biology and Bioinformatics, Saarland University)




Special thanks to CytosinLab Therapeutics and Altos Labs


In cooperation with

Code of Conduct

We aim to create a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof).

To ensure a respectful and productive environment for all, we kindly ask all attendees, speakers and sponsors to:

  • Foster an inclusive atmosphere where everyone feels welcome and valued. Treat all participants with respect, regardless of their background, identity, affiliation, or expertise, and appreciate the diversity of perspectives.
  • Avoid using offensive, discriminatory or sexual language or visuals.
  • Respect privacy and consent when sharing data, photos, and posting on social media. 

If you observe or experience a violation of this Code of Conduct, please report it to the organizers. Violations may result in appropriate consequences, such as a warning or exclusion from the event.