Dr. Dominik Selzer
Seit 04/2019: Postdoktorand Klinische Pharmazie, Universität des Saarlandes
01/2014 - 02/2019: Bioinformatiker, Scientific Consilience GmbH, Saarbrücken
06/2010 - 09/2013: Promotion in der Biopharmazie und Pharmazeutischen Biotechnologie, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken
10/2003 - 05/2010: Studium der Bioinformatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken
08/2002 - 05/2003: Zivildienst, Waldschule Saarwellingen
06/2002: Abitur, Johannes-Kepler-Gymnasium, Lebach
Rüdesheim S, Loer HLH, Feick D, Marok FZ, Fuhr LM, Selzer D, Teutonico D, Schneider ARP, Solodenko J, Frechen S, van der Lee M, Moes DJAR, Swen JJ, Schwab M, Lehr T. A comprehensive CYP2D6 drug-drug-gene interaction network for application in precision dosing and drug development. Clinical Pharmacol. Ther. 2025. doi:10.1002/cpt.3604 Dings C, Selzer D, Bragazzi NL, Möhler E, Wenning M, Gehrke T, Richter E, Nonnenmacher A, Brinkmann F, Rothoeft T, Zemlin M, Lücke T, Lehr T. Effect of vaccinations and school restrictions on the spread of COVID-19 in different age groups in Germany. Infect Dis Model. 2024; 9(4):1250-1264. Kovar C, Loer HLH, Rüdesheim S, Fuhr LM, Marok FZ, Selzer D, Schwab M, Lehr T. A physiologically-based pharmacokinetic precision dosing approach to manage dasatinib drug-drug interactions. CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol. 2024. doi:10.1002/psp4.13146 Loer HLH, Kovar C, Rüdesheim S, Marok FZ, Fuhr LM, Selzer D, Schwab M, Lehr T. Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling of imatinib and N-desmethyl imatinib for drug-drug interaction predictions. CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol. 2024;00:1-15. Marok FZ, Wojtyniak JG, Selzer D, Dallmann R, Swen JJ, Guchelaar HJ, Schwab M, Lehr T. Personalized chronomodulated 5-fluorouracil treatment: A physiologically-based pharmacokinetic precision dosing approach for optimizing cancer therapy. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2024; 10.1002/cpt.3181. Fuhr LM, Marok FZ, Fuhr U, Selzer D, Lehr T. Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling of bergamottin and 6,7-dihydroxybergamottin to describe CYP3A4 mediated grapefruit-drug interactions. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2023;114(2):470-482. Feick D, Rüdesheim S, Marok FZ, Selzer D, Loer HLH, Teutonico D, Frechen S, van der Lee M, Moes DJAR, Swen JJ, Schwab M, Lehr T. Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling of quinidine to establish a CYP3A4, P-gp, and CYP2D6 drug–drug–gene interaction network. CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol 2023;00:1-14 Türk D, Scherer N, Selzer D, Dings C, Hanke N, Dallmann R, Schwab M, Timmins P, Nock V, Lehr T. Significant impact of time-of-day variation on metformin pharmacokinetics. Diabetologia 2023. Loer HLH, Feick D, Rüdesheim S, Selzer D, Schwab M, Teutonico D, Frechen S, van der Lee M, Moes DJAR, Swen JJ, Lehr T. Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling of tacrolimus for food-drug and CYP3A drug-drug-gene interaction predictions. CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol 2023;00:1-15. Marok FZ, Wojtyniak J-G, Fuhr LM, Selzer D, Schwab M, Weiss J, Haefeli WE, Lehr T. A physiologically based pharmacokinetic model of ketoconazole and its metabolites as drug–drug interaction perpetrators. Pharmaceutics. 2023;15(2):679. Rothoeft T, Brinkmann F, Maier C, Selzer D, Dings C, Kuehn A, Möhler E, Grote H, Nonnenmacher A, Wenning M, Zemlin M, Richter U, Lehr T, Lücke T. Motivations for adolescent COVID-19 vaccination: A comparative study of adolescent and caregiver perspectives in Germany. Children (Basel). 2023;10(12):1890. Kovar C, Kovar L, Rüdesheim S, Selzer D, Ganchev B, Kröner P, Igel S, Kerb R, Schaeffeler E, Mürdter TE, Schwab M, Lehr T. Prediction of drug–drug–gene interaction scenarios of (E)-clomiphene and its metabolites using physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling. Pharmaceutics 2022;14(12):2604. Dings C, Meiser P, Holzer F, Flegel M, Selzer D, Nagy E, Mösges R, Klussmann JP, Lehr T. Pharmacometric modeling of the impact of azelastine nasal spray on SARS-CoV-2 viral load and related symptoms in COVID-19 patients. Pharmaceutics 2022;14(10):2059. Dings C, Götz KM, Och K, Sihinevich I, Werthner Q, Smola S, Bliem M, Mahfoud F, Volk T, Kreuer S, Rissland J, Selzer D, Lehr T. Model-based analysis of SARS-CoV-2 infections, hospitalization and outcome in Germany, the federal states and districts. Viruses 2022;14(10):2114. Sternjakob-Marthaler A, Berkó-Göttel B, Rissland J, Schöpe J, Taurian E, Müller H, Weber G, Lohse S, Lamberty T, Holleczek B, Stoffel H, Hauptmann G, Giesen M, Firk C, Schanzenbach A, Brandt F, Hohmann H, Werthner Q, Selzer D, Lehr T, Wagenpfeil S, Smola S. Human papillomavirus vaccination of girls in the German model region Saarland: insurance data-based analysis and identification of starting points for improving vaccination rates. PLoS ONE 2022;17(9):e0273332. Rüdesheim S, Selzer D, Mürdter T, Igel S, Kerb R, Schwab M, Lehr T. Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling to describe the CYP2D6 activity score-dependent metabolism of paroxetine, atomoxetine and risperidone. Pharmaceutics 2022;14(8):1734. Fuhr LM, Marok FZ, Mees M, Mahfoud F, Selzer D, Lehr T. A physiologically based pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic model of the CYP3A4 substrate felodipine for drug-drug interaction modeling. Pharmaceutics 2022;14(7):1474. Türk D, Müller F, Fromm MF, Selzer D, Dallmann R, Lehr T. Renal transporter-mediated drug-biomarker interactions of the endogenous substrates creatinine and N1-methylnicotinamide: a PBPK modeling approach. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2022;112(3):687-698. Loer HLH, Türk D, Gómez-Mantilla JD, Selzer D, Lehr T. Physiologically based pharmakokinetic (PBPK) modeling of clopidogrel and its four relevant metabolites for CYP2B6, CYP2C8, CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 drug-drug-gene interaction predictions. Pharmaceutics 2022;14(5):915. Rüdesheim S, Selzer D, Fuhr U, Schwab M, Lehr T. Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling of dextromethorphan to investigate interindividual variability within CYP2D6 activity score groups. CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol 2022;11:494-511. Kovar L, Wien L, Selzer D, Kohl Y, Bals R, Lehr T. In vitro-in silico modeling of caffeine and diclofenac permeation in static and fluidic systems with a 16HBE lung cell barrier. Pharmaceuticals 2022;15(2):250. Türk D, Fuhr LM, Marok FZ, Rüdesheim S, Kühn A, Selzer D, Schwab M, Lehr T. Novel models for the prediction of drug-gene interactions. Expert Opin on Drug Metab Toxicol 2021;17(11):1293-1310. Schräpel C, Kovar L, Selzer D, Hofmann U, Tran F, Reinisch W, Schwab M, Lehr T. External model performance evaluation of twelve infliximab population pharmacokinetic models in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Pharmaceutics 2021;13(9):1368. Marok FZ, Fuhr LM, Hanke N, Selzer D, Lehr T. Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling of bupropion and its metabolites in a CYP2B6 drug-drug-gene interaction network. Pharmaceutics 2021;13(3):331. Kohl Y, Hesler M, Drexel R, Kovar L, Dähnhardt-Pfeiffer S, Selzer D, Wagner S, Lehr T, von Briesen H, Meier F. Influence of physicochemical characteristics and stability of gold and silver nanoparticles on biological effects and translocation across an intestinal barrier - a case study from in vitro to in silico. Nanomaterials 2021;11(6):1358. Fuhr LM, Marok FZ, Hanke N, Selzer D, Lehr T. Pharmacokinetics of the CYP3A4 and CYP2B6 Inducer Carbamazepine and its drug-drug interaction potential: a physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling approach. Pharmaceutics 2021;13(2):270. Rüdesheim S, Wojtyniak JG, Selzer D, Hanke N, Mahfoud F, Schwab M, Lehr T. Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling of metoprolol enantiomers and α-hydroxymetoprolol to describe CYP2D6 drug-gene interactions. Pharmaceutics 2020;12(12):1200. Wojtyniak JG, Selzer D, Schwab M, Lehr T. Physiologically based precision dosing approach for drug-drug-gene interactions: a simavastatin network analysis. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2020; Epub: 10.1002/cpt.2111. Kovar L, Weber A, Zemlin M, Kohl Y, Bals R, Meibohm B, Selzer D, Lehr T. Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling providing insights into fentanyl pharmacokinetics in adults and pediatric patients. Pharmaceutics 2020;12(10):908. Kovar L, Schräpel C, Selzer D, Kohl Y, Bals R, Schwab M, Lehr T. Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling of buprenorphine in adults, children and preterm neonates. Pharmaceutics 2020;12(6):578. Hanke N, Türk D, Selzer D, Wiebe S, Fernandez É, Stopfer P, Nock V, Lehr T. A mechanistic, enantioselective, physiologically based pharmacokinetic model of verapamil and norverapamil, built and evaluated for drug-drug interaction studies. Pharmaceutics 2020;12(6):556. Wojtyniak JG, Britz H, Selzer D, Schwab M, Lehr T. Data digitizing: accurate and precise data extraction for quantitative systems pharmacology and physiologically‐based pharmacokinetic modeling. CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol 2020;9(6):322-331. Hanke N, Türk D, Selzer D, Ishiguro N, Ebner T, Wiebe S, Müller F, Stopfer P, Nock V, Lehr T. A comprehensive whole-body physiologically based pharmacokinetic drug-drug-gene interaction model of metformin and cimetidine in healthy adults and renally impaired individuals. Clin Pharmacokinet 2020;Epub:10.1007/s40262-020-00896-w. Kovar L, Selzer D, Britz H, Benowitz N, St. Helen G, Kohl Y, Bals R, Lehr T. Comprehensive parent-metabolite PBPK/PD modeling insights into nicotine replacement therapy strategies. Clin Pharmacokinet 2020;59(9):1119-1134. Mathes C, Melero A, Conrad P, Vogt T, Rigo L, Selzer D, Prado WA, De Rossi C, Garrigues TM, Hansen S, Guterres SS, Pohlmann AR, Beck RCR, Lehr CM, Schaefer UF. Nanocarriers for optimizing the balance between interfollicular permeation and follicular uptake of topically applied clobetasol to minimize adverse effects. J Control Release. 2016;223:207-214. Raesch SS, Tenzer S, Storck W, Rurainski A, Selzer D, Ruge CA, Perez-Gil J, Schaefer UF, Lehr CM. Proteomic and Lipidomic Analysis of Nanoparticle Corona upon Contact with Lung Surfactant Reveals Differences in Protein, but Not Lipid Composition. ACS Nano. 2015;9(12):11872-85. Selzer D, Neumann D, Schaefer UF. Mathematical models for dermal drug absorption. Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol. 2015;11(10):1567-83. Selzer D, Neumann D, Neumann H, Kostka KH, Lehr CM, Schaefer UF. A strategy for in-silico prediction of skin absorption in man. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2015;95(Pt A):68-76. Selzer D, Hahn T, Naegel A, Heisig M, Kostka KH, Lehr CM, Neumann D, Schaefer UF, Wittum G. Finite dose skin mass balance including the lateral part: comparison between experiment, pharmacokinetic modeling and diffusion models. J Control Release. 2013;165(2):119-28. Franzen L, Selzer D, Fluhr JW, Schaefer UF, Windbergs M. Towards drug quantification in human skin with confocal Raman microscopy. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2013;84(2):437-44. Selzer D, Abdel-Mottaleb MM, Hahn T, Schaefer UF, Neumann D. Finite and infinite dosing: difficulties in measurements, evaluations and predictions. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2013;65(2):278-94. Hahn T, Selzer D, Neumann D, Kostka KH, Lehr CM, Schaefer UF. Influence of the application area on finite dose permeation in relation to drug type applied. Exp Dermatol. 2012;21(3):233-5. Hansen S, Selzer D, Schaefer UF, Kasting GB. An extended database of keratin binding. J Pharm Sci. 2011;100(5):1712-26.

Dr. Dominik Selzer Klinische Pharmazie T: +49/681/302-70246 |