Prof. Dr. Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb

Welcome! I'm an Assistant Professor (Privatdozentin/Akademische Rätin) at Saarland University working in the Department of Language Science and Technology.
My research interests lie in text mining and data analytics for research questions from sociolinguistics, register/language variation as well as change in language use. I’m particularly interested in variation of language use considering linguistic as well as other possible variables that might be at play by using probabilistic models.
For more information about my research, have a look at my personal website!
@Students: Infos about courses I teach, course material, and supervision of BA/MA theses can be found below!
I’m a Principal Investigator with Elke Teich in the Collaborative Research Center (SFB 1102) Information Density and Linguistic Encoding for Project B1 on Information Density in Englisch Scientific Writing: A Diachronic Perspective, where we investigate register formation and linguistic densification in the evolution of scientific writing in English (17th century to present).
I’ve recently received funding (April 2023 – March 2024) from the Data-Pin project „Innovative use of AI in education“ for a project on „Overcoming the computational hurdle and exploiting opportunities for humanities students in linguistic research for the Digital Humanities (DH) with Chat-GPT“.
Soon I’ll also advertise two PhD positions within a EU Horizon MSCA on Computational Analysis of Semantic Change Across Different Environments (CASCADE).
Universität des Saarlandes
Fachrichtung Sprachwissenschaft und Sprachtechnologie
Campus A2 2, Raum 1.06
66123 Saarbrücken
Tel.: +49 681 302-70077
Fax: +49 681 302-70072
E-Mail: s.degaetano(at)
Research Projects
BA and MA Theses
more BA and MA Theses -
Sept 2019:
Berufsinformationstag des Deutsch-Französischen Gymnasiums in Saarbrücken: "Was studiert man im Master Translation Science and Technology und wie sind die Berufsaussichten? Alle Infos in dieser Präsentation!
June 2019:
- Looking forward to the invited talk of Dong Nguyen on June 27th at our LangSci Colloquium Series!
- Towards an optimal code for communication: the case of scientific English published as open access
- We had a very successful LaTeCH-CLfL 2019 Workshop at NAACL. Proceedings are now available!
Mai 2019: Very excited that the paper co-authored with Elke Teich "Towards an optimal code for communication: the case of scientific English" has been accepted for publication in the journal Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory!
April 2019: Very happy to be an interim professor (Vertretungsprofessor) this semester at the Language Science and Technology department here at Saarland University.
March 2019: Paper with my great colleague Andrew Piper accepted at NAACL in the Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature on the scientization of literary study measuring divergence between literary research articles, general language and scientific language.
Forschungsschwerpunkte / Research interests
- Computational and Corpus-based Linguistics
- Data mining
- Applied Linguistics and Translatology
- English Scientific Language
- Information density and linguistic encoding
- Evaluation/Appraisal/Stance
PhD Thesis
Evaluative meaning in scientific writing: macro- and micro-analytic perspectives using data mining
supervised by Prof. Dr. Elke Teich, Prof. Dr. Erich Steiner, and Prof. Dr. Augustin Speyer.
The act of acquiring knowledge always calls for openness to multiple perspectives.
Only this allows us to gain a comprehensive but also detailed understanding by hard but fascinating work!

"Willst Du Dich am Ganzen erquicken,
So musst Du das Ganze im Kleinsten erblicken."
"If the whole is ever to gladden thee,
That whole in the smallest thing thou must see."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Dr. Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb
Find additional information on my personal webpage.