M.Sc. Dorothee Brunner

Research Interests

I am particularly interested how flexibly using self-regulatory strategies can help us achieve our goals and increase wellbeing in our everyday lives. Hereby, I plan to apply experience sampling methods.

Professional Positions

PhD Student, associated member of the RTG FlexBar
Saarland University, Germany

Behavioral Health Specialist
Dr. Els van der Helm — Sleep Neuroscientist, Germany

Management Trainee and Founders Associate
StudySmarter, Germany

Research Associate,
TUM School of Management, Technical University of Munich, Germany

Conference Contributions

Brunner, D., Oei, N. & van Campen, D. What makes a dieter successful? The role of grit and long-term goals (2021, May). Poster presentation at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Science in Motivation (SSM), online.


Master of Science (M.Sc.), Health Psychology University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Psychology, Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, Germany