

88.  M. Bevilacqua, G. Saggiotti,  P. Pinter, B. Morgenstern, D. Munz, A. Biffis*  «Benzothiazolin-2-ylidene gold(I) complexes as precursors for gold nanoparticles »  J. Organomet. Chem.  2025, asap (Special Issue honoring Th. Strassner).

87.  E. Martinez-Vollbert, S. S. Anjana, F. Dankert, B. Morgenstern, D. Munz«Gold (I) Terminal Imides: CH Auration and Dehydrogenation»  ChemRXiv  2025.

86.  F. Dankert, S. P. Muhm, C. Nandi, S. Danés, S. Mullassery, P. Herbeck-Engel, B. Morgenstern, R. Weiss,* P. Salvador Sedano,*   D. Munz«The Hexaphenyl-1, 2-Diphosphonium Dication [Ph3P–PPh3]2+»  ChemRXiv  2025.

85.  D. Munz* «Bottleable Triplet Nitrenes»  Nat. Chem.  2025, 17, 6-7 (invited preview).


84.  A. Mondal, K. Breitwieser, S. Danes, A. Grünwald, F. W. Heinemann, B. Morgenstern, F. Müller, M. Haumann, M. Schütze, D. Kass, K. Ray, D. Munz*  «pi-Lewis Base Activation of Carbonyls and Hexafluorobenzene»  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.  2024, e202418738.

83.  F. Dankert, J. Messelberger, A. Swain, U. Authesserre, D. Scheschkewitz, B. Morgenstern, D. Munz*  «A Lead(II) Substituted Triplet Carbene»  J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024,146, 29630 (highlighted by Nachrichten der Chemie).

82.  L. Gravogl, D. Kass, O. Pyschny, Frank W. Heinemann, M. Haumann, S. Katz, P. Hildebrandt, H. Dau, A. Swain, R. Garcia-Serres, K. Ray,* D. Munz*, K. Meyer* bis-Phenolate Carbene-Supported bis-μ-Oxo Iron(IV/IV) Complex with a [FeIV(μ-O)2FeIV] Diamond Core Derived from Dioxygen Activation»  J. Am. Chem. Soc.  2024, 146, 28757.

81.  D. Adhikari,* S. Dongbang,* X. Jiang,* D. Munz* «Shining Light on Organometallic Chemistry»  Organometallics  2024, 43, 1659.

80.  K. Breitwieser,  D. Munz«Dawn of a new era? A base-metal single-atom catalyst for organic fine chemical synthesis»  Chem  2024, 10, 1633(invited preview).

79.  K. Breitwieser, M. Bevilacqua, S. Mullassery, F. Dankert, B. Morgenstern, S. Grandthyll, F. Müller, A. Biffis, C. Hering-Junghans,* D. Munz* «Pd8(PDip)6:  Cubic, Unsaturated, Zerovalent»  Adv. Sci.  2024, 2400699.

78.  Y. K. Loh,* L. Gojiashvili, M. Melaimi, M. Gembicky,  D. Munz, G. Bertrand* «Isolation of a pentadienyl-type radical featuring a central secondary carbon»  Nat. Synth.  2024, 3, 727.

77.  M. Keilwerth, W. Mao, M. Malischewski, S. A. V. Jannuzzi, K. Breitwieser, F. W. Heinemann, A. Scheurer, S. DeBeer*, D. Munz*, E. Bill, K. Meyer* «The Synthesis and Characterization of an Fe(VII) Nitrido Complex» Nat. Chem.  2024, 16, 514 (highlighted by Nachrichten der Chemie).


76.  D. Munz*, J. Chu* «Elucidation of Organometallic Reaction Mechanism by a Germany-China Team»  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2023, e20231419 (Team Profile).

75.  E. Zars, L. Pick, A. Swain, M. Bhunia, P. J. Carroll, D. Munz*, K. Meyer,* D. J. Mindiola* «Iron-Catalyzed Intermolecular CH Amination Assisted by an Isolated Iron-Imido Radical Intermediate»  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2023, e202311749.

74.  K. Breitwieser, F. Dankert, A. Grünwald, P. R. Mayer, F. W. Heinemann, D. Munz* «Swift C-C Bond Insertion by a 12-Electron Palladium(0) Surrogate»  Chem. Commun.2023, 59, 12104 (HOT and cover article; most popular in 2023).

73.  D. Munz*  «Late Transition Metal-Ligand Multiple Bonds:  Covalency and Reactivity»  Adv. Inorg. Chem. 2023, in press (Ed. K. Meyer, R. van Eldik; invited contribution "Inorganic Chemistry in Germany").

72.  Y. K. Loh,* M. Melaimi, M. Gembicky,  D. Munz, G. Bertrand* «A Crystalline Doubly Oxidized Carbene»  Nature2023, 623, 660 (highlighted by Deutschlandfunk, C&EN News, Laborpraxis, …).

71.  S. Hosseinmardi, A. Scheurer, F. W. Heinemann, N. Marigo, D. Munz,* K. Meyer* «Closed Synthetic Cycle for Nickel-Based Dihydrogen Formation»  Chem. Eur. J. 2023, e202302063 (HOT article).

70.  C. Zhang, F. Dankert, Z. Jiang, B. Wang, D. Munz,* J. Chu* «Evidence for Carbene Intermediates in Isocyanide Homologation by Aluminium(I)»  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, 62, e202307352 (HOT article).

69.  J. Lorkowski, D. Bouetard, P. Yorkgitis, M. Gembicky, T. Roisnel, N. Vanthuyne,  D. Munz,* L. Favereau,* G. Bertrand, M. Mauduit,* R. Jazzar* «Circularly Polarized Luminescence From Cyclic(Alkyl)(Amino) Carbene Derived Propellers »  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, 62, e202305404.

68.   W. Mao, Z. Zhang, D. Fehn, S. A. V. Jannuzzi, F. W. Heinemann, A. Scheurer, M. van Gastel, S. DeBeer,  D. Munz,* K. Meyer* «Synthesis and Reactivity of a Cobalt-Supported Singlet Nitrene»  J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 25, 13650.

67.  N. Marigo, B. Morgenstern, A. Biffis,  D. Munz* «(CAAC)Pd(py) Catalysts Disproportionate to Pd(CAAC)2 »  Organometallics 2023, 42, 1567 (front cover article).

66.  Y. K. Loh, M. Melaimi,  D. Munz, G. Bertrand* «An Air-Stable "Masked" Bis(imino)carbene: A Carbon-Based Dual Ambiphile »  J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 2064.

65.  M. Keilwerth, W. Mao, S. A. V. Jannuzzi, L. Grunwald, F. W. Heinemann, A. Scheurer, J. Sutter, M. van Gastel, , S. DeBeer,  D. Munz, K. Meyer* «From Divalent to Pentavalent Iron Imido Complexes and an Fe(V) Nitride via N–C Bond Cleavage»  J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 873.


64.  K. Breitwieser, R. Dorta,* D. Munz«On the Effect of Iodide and Acid in the Metolachlor Process»  Organometallics 202241, 3801.

63.  D. Sarkar, L. Groll, D. Munz*, F. Hanusch, S. Inoue*  «Ligand Assisted CO2 Sequestration and Catalytic Valorization by an NHI-Stabilized Stannylene»  ChemCatChem 2022,  e202201048.

62.  K. Breitwieser, H. Bahmann, R. Weiss, D. Munz«Gauging Radical Stabilization with Carbenes»  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, e202206390.

61.  K. Breitwieser, D. Munz* «Cyclic (alkyl)(amino)carbene (CAAC) ligands: Electronic structure and application as chemically- and redox-non-innocent ligands and chromophores»  Adv. Organomet. Chem. 2022, 78, 79 (Ed. P. J. Perez; invited contribution).

60.  W. Mao, D. Fehn, F. W. Heinemann, A. Scheurer, M. van Gastel, S. A. V. Jannuzzi, S. DeBeer,*  D. Munz,* K. Meyer* «Umpolung in a Pair of Cobalt(III) Terminal Imido/Imidyl Complexes»  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, e202206848 ( highlighted by Nachrichten der Chemie).

59.  S. Reith, S. Demeshko, B. Battistella, A. Reckziegel, C. Schneider, A. Stoy, C. Lichtenberg, F. Meyer,  D. Munz,* C. G. Werncke* «Between Imide, Imidyl and Nitrene - An Imido Iron Complex in two Oxidation States»  Chem. Sci. 2022, 13, 7907 ( highlighted by Nachrichten der Chemie).

58.  A. Grünwald, B. Goswami, K. Breitwieser, B. Morgenstern, M. Gimferrer, F. W. Heinemann, D. M. Momper, C. W. M. Kay,  D. Munz* «Palladium Terminal Imido Complexes with Nitrene Character»  J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 8897 ( highlighted by Nachrichten der Chemie).

57.  B. Wittwer, N. Dickmann, S. Berg, D. Leitner, L. Tesi, D. Hunger, R. Gratzl, J. van Slageren, N.I. Neumann,*  D. Munz,* S. Hohloch* «High-Valent Manganese(III) to Manganese(VI) Stabilized by an N-fused Mesoionic Carbazole Carbene Ligand»Chem. Commun. 2022, 58, 6096.

56.  A. Cadranel,* L. Gravogl, D. Munz, K. Meyer «Intense Photoinduced Intervalence Charge Transfer in High-Valent Iron Mixed Phenolate/Carbene Complexes»Chem. Eur. J. 2022, e2022002.

55.  S. Fries, A. Herrera, A. Benyak, A. Escalona, F. Heinemann, J. Langer, D. Fehn, D. Pividori, A. Grasruck,  D. Munz, K. Meyer, R. Dorta* «Ir(IV) Sulfoxide-Pincer Complexes by Three-Electron Oxidative Additions of Br2 and I2. Unprecedented Trap-Free Reductive Elimination of I2 from a formal d5 Metal»Inorg. Chem. 2022, 61, 1236.


54.  J. Messelberger, M. Kumar, S. J. Goodner, D. Munz*«Wanzlick's Equilibrium in Tri- and Tetraaminoolefins»Org. Chem. Front. 2021, 8, 6663 (invited contribution).

53.  S. Aghazada,* D. Munz,F. W. Heinemann, A. Scheurer, K. Meyer* «A Crystalline Iron Terminal Methylidene»  J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021,143, 17219 ( highlighted by Nachrichten der Chemie).

52.  G. Sieg, Q. Pessemesse, S. Reith, S. Yelin, C. Limberg, D. Munz, C. G. Werncke* «Cobalt and Iron Stabilized Ketyl, Ketiminyl and Aldiminyl Radical Anions»  Chem. Eur. J. 2021, 27, 16760.

51.  F. Neururer, S. Liu, D. Leitner, M. Baltrun, K. Fisher, H. Kopacka, K. Wurst, L. Daumann, D. Munz*, S. Hohloch* «Mesoionic Carbenes in Low- to High-Valent Vanadium Chemistry»  Inorg. Chem. 2021, 60, 15421.

50.  F. Hanusch, D. Munz, J. Sutter, K. Meyer, S. Inoue* «A Zwitterionic Heterobimetallic Bis(N-heterocyclic Imine)Silyliumylidene»  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 23274 (HOT article).

49.  A. Grünwald, S. S. Anjana, D. Munz* «Terminal Imido Complexes of the Groups 9-11: Electronic Structure and Developments in the Last Decade» Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2021, 2021, 4147 (invited contribution).

48.  A. Grünwald, D. Munz*  «Imido Complexes of Late Transition Metals»Encycl. Inorg. Bioinorg. Chem. 2021, Ed.: R. A. Scott (invited contribution).

47.  J. Messelberger, P. Pinter, D. Munz*  «A Lead(II) Toluene Complex»Mendeleev Commun.2021, 31, 471 (invited contribution).

46.  P. Pinter, C. M. Schüßlbauer, F. A. Watt, N. Dickmann, R. Herbst-Irmer, B. Morgenstern, A. Grünwald, T. Ullrich, M. Zimmer, S. Hohloch,* D. M. Guldi,* D. Munz* «Bright Luminescent Lithium and Magnesium Carbene Complexes» Chem. Sci. 2021, 12, 7401 (highlighted by Chemistry View; most popular 2021 physical and theoretical chemistry article).

45.  W. Mao, D. Fehn, F. W. Heinemann, A. Scheurer, D. Munz,* K. Meyer* «A Pair of Cobalt(III/IV) Terminal Imido Complexes» Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 16480 (VIP; highlighted by Nachrichten der Chemie).

44.  D. Munz,* K. Meyer* «Charge Frustration in Ligand Design and Functional Group Transfer»  Nat. Rev. Chem. 2021, 5, 422.

43.  S. Aghazada, D. Fehn, F. W. Heinemann, D. Munz,* K. Meyer* «Cobalt Diazo-Compounds: From Nitrilimide to Isocyanoamide via a Diazomethanediide Fleeting Intermediate»  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.  2021, 60, 11138.

42.  T. Ullrich,* D. Munz,* D. Guldi*  «Unconventional Singlet Fission Materials »  Chem. Soc. Rev. 2021, 50, 3485.


41.  P. Pinter, D. Munz*  «Controlling Möbius-Type Helicity and the Excited State Properties of Cumulenes with Carbenes»  J. Phys. Chem. A.  2020, 124, 10100 (invited for Josef Michl Festschrift).

40.  D. Sarkar, C. Weetman, D. Munz, S. Inoue*  «Reversible Activation and Transfer of White Phosphorus by Silyl-Stannylene»  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.  2020, 60, 3519.

39.  A. Grünwald, F. W. Heinemann, D. Munz*  «Oxidative Addition of Water, Alcohols and Amines in Palladium Catalysis»  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.  2020, 59, 21088 (highlighted by ChemCatChemand Nachrichten der Chemie).

38.  J. Locher, F. Watt, A. Neuba, R. Schoch, D. Munz,* S. Hohloch*  «Molybdenum(VI) Bis-Imido Complexes of Dipyrromethene Ligands»  Inorg. Chem.  2020, 59, 9847 (calculations).

37.  I. Müller, D. Munz, G. Werncke*  «Reactions of Alkynes with Quasi-Linear Metal(I) Silylamides of Chromium to Cobalt – A Comparative Study»   Inorg. Chem.  2020, 59, 9521 (calculations).

36.  L. Gravogl, F. W. Heinemann, D. Munz,* K. Meyer* «An Iron Pincer Complex in Four Oxidation States»  Inorg. Chem.  2020, 59, 5632.

35.  J. Messelberger, A. Grünwald, S. J. Goodner, F. Zeilinger, P. Pinter, M. Miehlich, F. W. Heinemann, M. M. Hansmann, D. Munz* «Aromaticity and Sterics Control Whether a Cationic Olefin Radical is Resistant to Disproportionation»  Chem. Sci.  2020, 11, 4138.

34.  T. Ullrich, P. Pinter, J. Messelberger, P. Haines, R. Kaur, M. M. Hansmann,* D. Munz,* D. Guldi* «Singlet Fission in Carbene Derived Diradicaloids»  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.  2020, 59, 7906 (Front Cover Article).

33.  G. Dübek, F. Hanusch, D. Munz, S. Inoue* «An Air-stable Heterobimetallic Si2M2 Tetrahedral Cluster»  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.  2020, 59, 5823.

32.  J. Riedhammer, J. R. Aguilar-Calderón, M. Miehlich, D. P. Halter, D. Munz, F. W. Heinemann, S. Fortier, K. Meyer,* D. J. Mindiola* «Werner-Like Complexes of Uranium(III) and (IV)»  Inorg. Chem.  2020, 59, 2443 (calculations).

31.  D. Munz,* W. Neumann* «Trends in Inorganic Chemistry: Bioinorganic and Coordination Chemistry of the d- and f-Block Elements 2019»  Nachrichten der Chemie  2020, 68, 65.


30.  S. Aghazada, M. Miehlich, J. Messelberger, F. W. Heinemann, D. Munz,* K. Meyer* «A Terminal Iron Nitrilimine Complex: Accessing the Terminal Nitride through Diazo N–N Bond Cleavage»  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.  2019, 58, 18547 (concept, synthesis & calculations).

29.  S. J. Goodner, A. Grünwald, F. W. Heinemann, D. Munz* «Carbon Dioxide Activation by a Palladium Terminal Imido Complex»  Austr. J. Chem.  2019, 72, 900 (invited contribution).

28.  J. Messelberger, A. Grünwald, P. Stegner, L. Senft, F. W. Heinemann, D. Munz* «Transmetalation from Magnesium NHCs – Convenient Synthesis of Chelating pi-Acidic NHC Complexes»  Inorganics  2019, 7, 65 (invited article).

27.  A. Grünwald, S. J. Goodner, D. Munz* «How to Isolate Free Carbenes, their Mixed Dimers and Organic Radicals»  J. Vis. Exp.  2019, 146, e59389 (invited contribution).


26.  A. Grünwald, N. Orth, A. Scheurer, A. Pöthig, F. W. Heinemann, D. Munz* «An Isolable Palladium Terminal Imido and Catalytic Implications»  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.  2018, 57, 16228 (“Hot Paper”; highlighted by ChemistryViews).

25.  M. Malischewski, K. Seppelt, J. Sutter, D. Munz, K. Meyer* «A Ferrocene-Based Dicationic Fe(IV) Carbonyl Complex»  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.  2018, 57, 14597 (calculations).

24.  J. Messelberger, A. Grünwald, P. Pinter, M. Hansmann, D. Munz* «Carbene Derived Biradicaloids – Building Blocks for Singlet Fission?»  Chem. Sci.  2018, 9, 6107.

23.  M. M. Hansmann, M. Melaimi, D. Munz, G. Bertrand* «Modular Approach to Kekulé Diradicaloids Derived from Cyclic (Alkyl)(amino)carbenes»   J. Am. Chem. Soc.  2018140, 2546.

22.  D. Munz* «Pushing Electrons – Which Carbene Ligand for Which Application?»  Organometallics  2018, 37, 275 (Tutorial, Cover Article, Most Read 2018).

21.  D. Munz* «How to Tame a Palladium Terminal Oxo»  Chem. Sci.  2018, 9, 1155.


20.  A. Grünwald, D. Munz*  «How to Tame a Palladium Terminal Imido»  J. Organomet. Chem.  2017, DOI:10.1016/j.jorganchem.2017.12.034 (Special Issue: Modern Computational Organometallic Chemistry).


19.  D. Munz, J. Chu, R. Jazzar, M. Melaimi, G. Bertrand*  «NHC-CAAC Heterodimers with Three Stable Oxidation States»  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.  2016, 55, 12886. D.M. and J.C. contributed equally.

18.  J. Chu, D. Munz, R. Jazzar, M. Melaimi, G. Bertrand* «Synthesis of Hemilabile Cyclic (Alkyl)(amino)carbenes (CAACs) and Applications in Organometallic Chemistry»  J. Am. Chem. Soc.  2016, 138, 7884. D.M. and J.C. contributed equally.

17.  L. Liu, D. Ruiz, D. Munz, G. Bertrand*  «A Singlet Phosphinidene Stable at Room Temperature»  Chem.  2016, 1, 147.

16.  D. Munz, D. Wang, M. M. Moyer, M. S. Webster-Gardiner, P. Kunal, D. Watts, B. G. Trewyn,* A. N. Vedernikov,* T. B. Gunnoe*   «Aerobic Epoxidation of Olefin by Platinum Catalysts Supported on Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles»  ACS Catal.  2016, 6, 4584.

15.  D. Munz* «Oxidation Reactions» in  «Science of Synthesis Reference Library: N-Heterocyclic Carbenes in Organic Synthesis»  Georg Thieme Verlag KG, Eds. S. P. Nolan, C. S. J. Cazin.


14.  D. Munz, C. Allolio, D. Meyer, M. Micksch, L. Roessner, T. Strassner*  «Synthesis of Oligoethylenglycol Substituted bis-NHC Palladium and Platinum Complexes and Application in the Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling and Hydrosilylation in Water»  J. Organomet. Chem.  2015, 794, 330.

13.  D. Munz, T. Strassner*  «Alkane C-H Functionalization with Molecular Oxygen»  Inorg. Chem. 2015, 54, 5043.

12.  S. E. Kalman, D. Munz, G. C. Fortman, N. C. Boaz, J. T. Groves*, T. B. Gunnoe*  «Partial Oxidation of Light Hydrocarbons Using Periodate and Chloride Salts»  Dalton Trans2015, 44, 5294.

11.  D. Munz, M. W. Gardiner, R. Fu, T. Strassner, R. I. Nielsen, W. A. Goddard,* T. B. Gunnoe*  «Proton or Metal? The H/D Exchange of Arenes in Acidic Solvents»  ACS Catal.  2015, 5, 769.


10.  C. Fortman, N. C. Boaz, D. Munz, M. M. Konnick, R. A. Periana,* J. T. Groves,* T. B. Gunnoe*  «Selective Monooxidation of Light Alkanes Using Chloride and Iodate»  J. Am. Chem. Soc.  2014, 136, 8393.

9.  D. Munz, T. Strassner*  «Catalytic Hydrocarbon Oxidation by Palladium-bis-NHC-Complexes»  Top. Catal.  2014, 57, 1.

8.  D. Munz, T. Strassner*  «Mechanistic Investigation on the Functionalization of Propane with bis-NHC Palladium Catalysts»  Chem. Eur. J.  2014, 20, 14872.

7.  D. Munz, T. Strassner*  «Propane CH Activation by Palladium Complexes with Chelating bis(NHC) Ligands and Aerobic Co-oxidation»  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.  2014, 53, 2485.


6.  D. Munz, D. Meyer, T. Strassner*  «Methane CH-Activation by Palladium Complexes with Chelating bis(NHC) Ligands – a DFT Study»  Organometallics  2013, 32, 3469.

5.  T. Strassner,* S. Ahrens, M. Muehlhofer, D. Munz, A. Zeller «Cobalt Catalyzed Oxidation of Methane to Methyl Trifluoroacetate by Dioxygen»  Eur. J. Inorg. Chem2013, 21, 3659.

4.  D. Munz, A. Pöthig, A. Tronnier, T. Strassner*  «ortho-Phenylene Bridged Palladium bis-N-heterocyclic Carbene Complexes: Synthesis, Structure and Catalysis»  Dalton Trans.  2013, 42, 7297.


3.  D. Munz, C. Allolio, K. Döring, A. Pöthig, Th. Doert, H. Lang, T. Strassner*  «Methoxyaryl Substituted Palladium Bis-NHC Complexes – Synthesis and Electronic Effects»  Inorg. Chim. Acta  2012, 392, 204.


2.  D. Munz, A. Pöthig, T. Strassner*  «Computational Studies on Osmium-Catalyzed Olefin Oxidation Reactions»  in «Computational Organometallic Chemistry». Springer Verlag, Eds. Y. Wu, O. Wiest (2011).


1.  D. Munz, T. Strassner*  «Mechanism and Regioselectivity of the Osmium-Catalyzed Aminohydroxylation of Olefins»  J. Org. Chem.  2010, 75, 1491.