Publikationen Moritz Braun


  • Müller-Klein*, A., Braun*, M. N., Ferreira de Sá, D. S., Michael, T., Link-Dorner, U., & Lass-Hennemann, J. (2024). A relaxed horse—A relaxed client? An experimental investigation of the effects of therapy horses’ stress on clients’ stress, mood, and anxiety. Animals, 14(4), Article 604. (*These authors are shared first authors.)
  • Braun, M. N., Müller-Klein, A., Sopp, M. R., Michael, T., Link-Dorner, U., & Lass-Hennemann, J. (2024). The human ability to interpret affective states in horses’ body language: The role of emotion recognition ability and previous experience with horses. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 271, Article 106171.


  • Baum*, M. A., Braun*, M. N., Hart*, A., Huffer*, V. I., Meßmer*, J. A., Weigl*, M., & Wennerhold*, L. (2023). The first author takes it all? – Solutions for crediting authors more visibly, transparently, and free of bias. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62(4), 1605-1620. 
    (*These authors are shared first authors.)


  • Braun, M. N., Wessler, J., & Friese, M. (2021). A meta-analysis of Libet-style experiments. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 128, 182-198.
  • Braun, M. N., & Tetkovich, I. (2021). Don’t skip! Why we need to discuss findings with regards to the measure. Oxford University Psychology Society Journal, 2, 52-58.